Well though I have been keeping fish for quite some time I Have started a reef tank. I know its a ton of work and even more money than anything i can think of. Here is my delemma. I have 2 side by side 29 gal tanks both to be reef. I have on one of them a fluval 304 cannister and on the other a fluval 204. I do not have the space for a sump system. i can put skimmers on the tanks though. will the mechannical filtration be enough to keep my nitrates under control? I have great levels as of yet but cannot under any means get nitrates to 0 ppm the hover around 15 to 20 and before i add corals and expensive inverts i want to kn ow that its either o.k. or there is a solution. in the side that is started i have a 4 inch sand bed and about 40 lbs of lr. tank has been running about 4 months. :notsure: