Reef Lighting Questions....


I have a 100 gal cubed tank. I want, well my girl wants to get an clownfish with a host. I have heard most people dont think the anemones will live that long in captivity and dont recommend them. I have been reading and looking and it seems that metal halide lights are the way to go and that reef tanks need about 8 watts of light per gallon. Which means I need about 800watts. Now thats for the best coral but would I need that much for a host for the clown and maybe a few corals here and there. I have read that the if you use Metal Halides you dont need 8 watts per gallon because they put out alot more light. Should i just go with 2 400w metal halides or go with 400w VHOs. Or should i mix and get one 400w metal halide and then get one VHO. Also whats with the nightime bulbs and blue atnics and stuff. Would I need nightime bulbs too and the blue lights?


well..lets just say that u prob need tank requirements that are for the anemone are the same as that for sps corals. They need pc or medal halide (anemone, not sps) the best would be to get a few MH lights and toss in a little pc antanic...that woudl be the best.


so i do need both kinds of lights. So would one 400w MH and then get some kind of PC lighting do for most corals. I read somewhere BangGuy said get a leather coral instead of the anemone. I want a big host for 2 small clowns. also i want to get some pulsing xenias and that would be it.


The rule of thumb for halides is usually 1 bulb for every 2 feet of length (90 gal = 4ft Length = 2 halide bulbs). Use this equation to figure out your Halide specs, then through in some VHO or PC Actinics also. PCs are suposedly more powerful light than VHO, but some say the corals and such respond better to VHO because it is more natural. You will also need to invest in some fans or maybe a chiller setup, as all that light will generate quite a bit of heat...


not really converting to a reef tank because i want to keep the puffer but I already let her know that the CC starfish has to go.
My tank is cubed not the regular 100 gal tank. Its only 3ft wide and 2 ft deep.


great thanks for the info.....what i am gonna do is get one 400w MH and then further down the road im gonna get a VHO ballast but for now im gonna use the 2 regular lights i have now. I will keep everyone posted.

bang guy

A single central 400 MH sounds wonderful. There's probably no reason not to just use your current lighting to supplement the MH. I don't see why you would need VHO.
If you're set on getting an Anemone, try to find a propogated Bubble-Tip. It really is good for the hobby to spend a little extra for propogated stuff.


im not set on getting an anemone. What else will a clown host with. She wants a true percula or a marroon clown. So if there is something else that i could use to host a clown please do tell. I would want something that would last and I remember you saying something about the anemones dont last long in tanks. So what would you suggest getting. I am gonna order the MH tommorrow or tonite. I figure since there would be a change in lighting i would go through an algae bloom so i am gonna wait about 2 or 3 weeks before i get whatever you suggest.


i would go for the true perc. the maroon clowns can get real nasty. one of my percs host in a frogspawn. you can also try hairy mushrooms or just about anything with tenticles. but it may take a while for the clown to decide to host in anything.


ok appreciate that. I will try them both. Kinda is exciting. I want mine to look like that pick Bang Guy posted. I will keep everyone informed. I am gonna order the MH tonite. :)


how far away from the water do i need to have the MH. I only have about 8inches between the top of my canopy and the water. I can do 10 inches at the most. My LFS said to have at least 12 inches but that would be hard without getting another top.


One more this good for $200
This Retro Set up features a Venture 400 Watt Bulb
You get:
400 Watt Sunlight Supply Ballast Blue Wave VI
400 Watt Venture 10,000 Kelvin Bulb
5kv Ceramic Socket with Stainless Steel Bracket and 15 Foot Cord with Quick Disconnect
Plug and Play
2 Year Warranty on the Ballast
1 Year Warranty on the Bulb


Active Member
Here they are at night:) It's like a blanket wrapped around him every sooooooo cute. At first the leather was annoyed, but they ended up living together happily.