Refugium Question


Active Member
I have a refugium and I am debating whether to use macros, or make it a xenia fuge. I am not just using it for nutrient export but also for system stability. Being as I have a 20gal tank with a 10gal sump/refugium the sump will have a major role in stability in the system. I know it differs from system to system but what do you think would be best for pH 24hrs a day with caleurpa, lighting at night with chaeto, or lighting at night with xenia? Any will work for me just wondering what the best would be to also go along with dripping kalk?

bang guy

If you can get Xenia to grow rapidly then it has my vote - lit opposite the display. If you light opposite the display then drip limewater 24/7, otherwise only drip at night.

bang guy

If you keep them physically seperated they'll be fine. If they intermingle then the Macro will kill the Xenia.


whoa - did you just say that macro will kill Xenia??
Wow. I have chaeto in my fuge and I neve thought it would hurt anybody :D

bang guy

You're right I should have clarified.
Caulerpa will kill Xenia. Individual stalks of Xenia will live on a Caulerpa strand but it won't survive as a colony.


Active Member
So in your opinions would it be best for pH to light opposite my display lights? Also, would xenia grow under 24/7 lighting? I can do any of the mentioned ideas just wondering which would be best.

bang guy

I doubt that Xenia can thrive under 24/7 lighting but I honestly have never tried.
Good experiment for someone....


Active Member
I just found out that the lfs I go to lights there fuge 24/7 which has xenia in it. The success of it is not great but that could be do to the fact that it come into contact with caleurpa all the time or that their dkh is around 16...not really sure. But it does grow...however slowly.