refugiums or whatever???


they where pretty easy to cut I used my dremel tool to cut them. I wouldnt recommend doing it in your house though as acrylic shavings go everywhere......I almost had to sleep outside that night, hehehe:D


yeah, i mod a lot of computer cases with my dremel (for customers) so i would think it could cut, if i'm cutting acrylic dividers, do i need to buy an acrylic tank for the sump? also, would 18 gallons be to big? or should i go with 10 gallons?


Active Member
I say the bigger the better, I have acrylic divider in my glass 10g, I got sloppy with the silicone but other than that I really like it.


Is it working pretty good for you? I like the design. How is the protine skimmer working? Is that working out well also? I have the same protine skimmer that is why I ask.
Is this your design or did some people on the board help you with it?
Are you growing any kinds of algae in the refugium part? Also how much sand? Any room for LR in that part also?
Also what kind of overflow box did you get? and what mis the return pump?
I am sorry for so many questions. It is just that this looks like something that I have wanted to build.


Not the desighn is not mine, it was passed on to me. I keep the ruble pieces from my lr so it helps break the turbulance from stirring up the sand bed, no much turb. anyway. I am using a cap2200 return pump and a 800ghp overflow box off ----. It was suppose to be a 600gph bu they sent me the bigger one instead, I dont mind being someday I hope to have a bigger tank. I had to put a valve below it to regulate the flow cause it would want to flow to fast and it sounded like a loud sink drain! Like the previous post said there are multiple ways of making a sump/fuge, be creative there is really no wrong way to make one, just use the general info from this post and go from there. ONCE YOU GET IT SET UP UNPLUG YOUR RETURN PUMP TO SIMULATE A POWER OUTAGE TO MAKE SURE THAT WHEN YOU ARE AT WORK OR THE STORE AND THE POWER GOES OUT YOUR MAIN TANK DOESNT SIPHON INTO YOUR SUMP OVERFLOW THE SUMP AND HAVE A BIG OLD MESS!!!!:rolleyes:

bang guy

A bunch of 2X4's have been added to the outside edge-on for bracing. There's also Deck planking (composite) across the top. It bows about 2" across 8 feet so I'm satisfied with it.