reg. ocellaris and b/w ocellaris???

Is it possible for a reg. ocellaris and a black and white ocellaris to couple?
Nemo has been in my tank for three yrs and I want to give him a cool mate. Here are my eccentric thoughts:
1. if it's black and white I can tell them apart
2. get the black and white one slightly larger so that it will be the female
3. if it's only slightly larger and just now being introduced it won't be aggressive towards Nemo
Does this make sense?


Clowns can be very aggressive and protective of their territory. I've heard tell if they are tank raised it can work. Otherwise they will not normally get along. Personal experience and hearsay since I've never tried keeping different clowns together.


Yes they can pair. Number 2 needs to be switched around. If you have had the clown in that tank by itself then you will want to get a smaller B/W. Prefferably you will want to get one of the middle to smaller ones in a batch at you LFS.


Also are these like tomatos? can they decide their new "man" isn't suitable and kill him for being a failure as a man? lol
Well oh crap! >.< I don't want a nimette! But I don't get it, it's still quite small. He's maybe 1.5" I think it's still a boy, otherwise I'm going to have to perform a c-section if I want babies. Isn't it tiny enough to be male?


Its not really the size I think as it is the dominance of the fish. Whichever fish is the dominant one will end up female. If its the only one then its dominant and will probably be female.


I had a False Percula in my tank for a couple years. Big baby never moves away from its anenome. I like the Rose Bubble Anenome's and the Black and White clowns. So I bought both, and the B/W was smaller then my Percula. The B/W took over a month to move into his own anenome. After being shut down by my Percula. Though he did get pretty close. The B/W goes and visits the other side of the tank but the Percula never goes to see him.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Garick
Its not really the size I think as it is the dominance of the fish. Whichever fish is the dominant one will end up female. If its the only one then its dominant and will probably be female.
thanks for the info, he doesn't really act dominant towards the other fish, only time he gets mad is if I try and move rock around, and then he'll nip me (cute little bugger). Is size indicative at all to what gender he is?


If you have had this clownfish for three years by itself (no other clownfish involvement), it is most certainly a female. The sheer fact that it nips at you is a very clear indication that it's a female and she's protective of her environment (the tank).
You absolutely can add another clownfish and it can be a B&W Ocellaris if you are absolutely positive that your clown now is that and now a true percula (for the record, false percula clowns are ocellaris clowns). If you decide to add another clown, you must add one that is smaller or your female will kill it. It's not a matter of "will" she kill it, it's "when" in my honest opinion.
Ocellaris clowns usually will accept a mate as long as it's smaller, they're not like Tomatoes that decide, "I don't like you, so you must die." Tank raised usually do even better and most B&W's are tank bred/raised.
How long have you had this clownfish by itself?
It doesn't matter how big it is as to gender when they're by themselves, it matters more how long it's been by itself. More than 4-6 months, it's a female.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Psychic_Alice
thanks for the info, he doesn't really act dominant towards the other fish, only time he gets mad is if I try and move rock around, and then he'll nip me (cute little bugger). Is size indicative at all to what gender he is?
If it nips you for helping out then it is definately female.
crap. If that's the case it must be famale and I'll just have to get a smaller b/w ocellaris. Thanks for all the help everyone, I'll tell you how it goes. But first, I'm going to get her back in an anemone ^.^