Regal Tang and Sailfin Tang are having issues


New Member
I have a 120 saltwater tank with a Hiatt Filtration system. Ammonium 0, calcium 500, nitrates 0, alkalinity 7.4 dkh, salinity 1.023, phosphates 0, and ph is 8. I have a total of 8 fish, 100 is snails, 2 cucumbers, 2 sand sifting stars. I have a couple of different issues but the big one now is the fish. The sail fin looks as if all the scales on its face fell off. The regal has a brownish white fuzz all over it. Both have good appetites and are fat. Here are a few pics:
Don't know what to do. I have been giving garlic, and a amino and omega-3/-6 HUFA supplement to see if it was nutrition but there has been no change for about a week. Any thoughts?


That is some serious HLLE....You need to post this in the disease section, and also read the threads Beth has is there
I had 3 tangs that had that (a lot milder though) and they are now cured....It can be done, but is lengthy...not overnight
Do you have a grounding probe? What do you feed? You also need some good vitamins


Originally Posted by jwm81274
I have a 120 saltwater tank with a Hiatt Filtration system. Ammonium 0, calcium 500, nitrates 0, alkalinity 7.4 dkh, salinity 1.023, phosphates 0, and ph is 8. I have a total of 8 fish, 100 is snails, 2 cucumbers, 2 sand sifting stars. I have a couple of different issues but the big one now is the fish. The sail fin looks as if all the scales on its face fell off. The regal has a brownish white fuzz all over it. Both have good appetites and are fat. Here are a few pics:

Don't know what to do. I have been giving garlic, and a amino and omega-3/-6 HUFA supplement to see if it was nutrition but there has been no change for about a week. Any thoughts?
this makes it easier for us to see.


New Member
Yes, I have a grounding probe. I feed Ocean Nutrition formula one Frozen, Ocean Nutrition formula two Frozen, the suchi wrap algea, Ocean Nutrition pigmy angel, and brine shrimp on occation.