Regular Super glue not gel is BAD


Active Member
So i went to 3 stores today looking for some Super glue I got the regular is it the worst crap ever and almost useless trying to glue stuff down..


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Have a Lowe's or Home Depot? I picked up a couple tubes at like 2.89 each.. much cheaper than the "coral" gel glue for 10 bucks... man what a rip that was.


Active Member
well usually every dollar store I have ever been to has the 3 pack of Gel and I always get that..3 times the amount of glue for half the price of anywhere else.


Active Member
Only part that sucks is it really starts to set up almost immediately as the water seals the outside layer of glue.


Well I want to attach a mushroom to a really big rock in the tank, and didn't know if it would work or not.


Spanko...can you use it underwater? If I want to glue an item to a large rock, I can put the glue on the coral, and then hurry and place it on the rock...will that work?


Active Member
Best to take the coral out of the water, dry the spot where the glue will go, then put back in the tank and attach where you want it with a little twist or two. The reason for the twist is that the glue will immediately skim over when it hits the water and the twisting action breaks the skim. Most people do have have any luck with mushrooms or ricordea and super glue as they tend to slime alot and the glue doesn't stick.