Religions Vs. Pork

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
You're first statements about war make no sense. By you're logic, if we go to war with Mexico because we've been told there is a threat there and WMD have been sighted and are being put together, but then we find out after many have died that it was all a plot to just take over the land there and kill all the people so that America can populate Mexico, it's perfectly fine. Since we supported the war at first cause there was a proposed threat of WMD, we should be ok with mass genocide and taking of their land. Its just an outlandish example, but by your logic, it's ok. It shouldn't change my reasons for supporting the war even though the original reasons were completely false and cost american lives.
I never said Afghanistan was about money. I was talking about Iraq. I said I agreed with the war in Afghanistan and still do, although we don't need to be there forever. I questioned the war in Iraq when they first started talking about it, but they said there was WMD there, in that case I said let's go get them. When I realized it wa all about Halliburton making a sh-it-ton of money, I was pissed and lied to by the supposed leaders who were using the supposed "defense of my freedom" to get money and nothing else, while costing us brave American soldiers lives. BTW, we went into WWII because the Japanese bombed the living S out of Pearl Harbor, did we not? I don't think blowing up Okinawa and Nagasaki made us any money. In fact, it cost us money to rebuild what was left. The war in Iraq is costing us an exorbitant amount of money and a lot of it is going straight to Halliburton. Look it up.
Ok our quotes are eating up character space so let me start here.
To touch on your war comments, you said the following, "You consider me a democrat, I supported the wars when when they started. Then I found out it was all a sham to get big money, and I wasn't so happy to say the least."
If you support afghanistan but not Iraq, as you are saying now, which other war are we in? So the only reason you supportted Iraq was the WMD point. None of the other reasons for the Iraq war mattered to you?
You need to research WW2 history and the aftermath a bit. We profited big time during those wars..our own economy boomed....The section of the war in Africa was purely about fuel and oil....We didn't need to engage in Africa to remove Hitler from Germany...but we did...and we were never attacked by hitler....Only engaging Hitler could be called attacking a sovereign nation unprovoked...technically.
The cost to rebuild japan was approximately 2 billion dollar and another billion in food aid. For a total to the U.S. of roughly 3 billion dollars. Right now Japan pays us between 192-250 billion dollars a year for our military presense in their yes, we are getting paid and ww2, as with all wars were about money.
I know what the cost in Iraq is. I also have an idea what the healthcare cost might be.....the difference between the cost will shrink, the other will grow....guess which is which. With our budget the way it is now how can a nation afford to incur more debt...
Editted to add the japanese figures I have given are in yen....


New Member
The state of things as they are (full disclosure: Catholic):
1. The earth is very old, which leaves young-earth creationists wrong.
2. Nobody has any idea why there's something instead of nothing (did matter create itself?), which leaves open the possibility of a First Cause.
3. Nobody knows how things became alive. The closest thing to a materialist theory is electricity hitting chemicals, creating proteins.
4. Nobody has a direct evolutionary path for certain animals, but we know that things have lived that no longer live and that some things have been here for a shorter time than others.
5. Nobody knows what came right before people, in Africa.
If you're a determined materialist, then you'll say "yet" after each unknown. If you're a theist, the answer is that things have unfolded according to a plan, some of which we can figure out materially and some of which we can't.


Active Member
Every war after WWII was about the INDUSTRIAL MILITARY INDEX that the U.S. has participated in.
Most important farwell speech since George Washington's. part1 par2
Post 9/11 resulted in the change from congressmen and cabinets making policy dealing with the INDUSTRIAL MILITARY COMPLEX to think-tanks who benefit more from the revolving door.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Ask, and ye shall receive

I wish to edit this post....
Ask, and ye shall receive....but like the Jew on the campout, don't wait to ask until after the ham has already hit the pan....

Hope you started studying before now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I will skip to the science it is all cause and effect essentially...but when you get to the very beginning you have to have a cause for an effect....What caused the reactions?
Cause and effect is dependent on the existence of time, that it moves in only one direction and, to some extent (depending on application), that it is constant.
It is already known that time is not constant. It behaves differently relative to gravity.
It is, on occaision, situationally static and it is probable that it can move backwards.
That what we perceive time to be exists at all is matter of some debate.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
Cause and effect is dependent on the existence of time, that it moves in only one direction and, to some extent (depending on application), that it is constant.
It is already known that time is not constant. It behaves differently relative to gravity.
It is, on occaision, situationally static and it is probable that it can move backwards.
That what we perceive time to be exists at all is matter of some debate.

Time doesn't exist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I wish to edit this post....
Ask, and ye shall receive....but like the Jew on the campout, don't wait to ask until after the ham has already hit the pan....

Hope you started studying before now.
lol.. didnt have to ask.. I just finished the exams and it was a piece if cake=)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Time doesn't exist.
I tend to agree.
That does create some difficulty w/ explaining the cause >>> effect thingy though. E.g. if time doesn't exist, there is no such thing as "the beginning."


Wars are fought for more reasons then money. Been there done that. I have seen what happened in Kuwait after the first war. Nobody deserved that I don't care if you are black, white, or whatever. That stuff just wasn't right. I am not saying we have to be the worlds police. The Kurds that got gassed before the war was terrible. Also you either support the war or not. I do and I left something over there, the part of my right leg just above the knee. By the way I eat bacon everyday with 2 eggs and a piece of sausage great way to start the day. Dang I'm hungry now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moprint
Wars are fought for more reasons then money. Been there done that. I have seen what happened in Kuwait after the first war. Nobody deserved that I don't care if you are black, white, or whatever. That stuff just wasn't right. I am not saying we have to be the worlds police. The Kurds that got gassed before the war was terrible. Also you either support the war or not. I do and I left something over there, the part of my right leg just above the knee. By the way I eat bacon everyday with 2 eggs and a piece of sausage great way to start the day. Dang I'm hungry now.
Yeah but does your light still work?