Removing Anemone from rock


New Member
A friend of mine is upgrading her 45g tank to newly bought 125g (which is now her second 125g tank!) and has a long-tentacle she does not want anymore. I am going to buy it from her along with the Clownfish. The anemone has attached itself to a large rock. Is there any easy way and harmless way to remove the anemone from the rock? We have already tried sticking our fingers between the rock and anemone, and moving the rocks location out of good water flow and light, yet neither have worked yet. The anemone/rock has temporarily been aclimated in her first 125g tank so she can finish taking apart her 45g tank.
Any advice or comments are appreciated!
Easiest way is to take rock and all, for the least stress. Pay close attention to the flow it has in that area. It obviously likes it's spot. buy the rock if necessary. Just my opinion.

bang guy

Steamboat is right.
Failing that option, place the rock in a dark corner of the tank and see if the anemone will crawl off to find better lighting. Careful... it will kill all coral it encounters on the journey.
other option. Rub an ice cube along the foot until it detaches a small section. Then rub the ice under the foot to remove more, etc. do this underwater (you'll need a lot of ice)
Last option. Direct a powerhead right at the foot where it attaches to the rock. This is not a great option because it could creat small tears that are open sites for infection.


New Member
Thank you both for the quick reply. My friend would really like to keep the rock and it is nice to know that it will kill any corals...she has quite a few. I will let her know about the ice cube method, hope it works, the clowns are missing their home :(
Thanx again!

bang guy

Can you take the rock temporarily? Once it's in a new tank it will probably crawl around on its own anyway.
Bang Guy might have a good method for you, but, I might caution you that any means to forcefully pry the anemone from it's foothold may damage the creature and cause death. These are the most delicate of the coral species, and any upset can cause harm. Be very carefull. That is why I specified taking the rock with you. It may decide to move, it might not. If it does, it may end up in the intake of a filter or powerhead and be gone for good.
If it is a particularly nice anemone, I would offer a pretty penny for it and the rock. Rocks are common, a nice anemone that can live a while is not.


New Member
Thank you Steamboat. My friend had decided to give me the rock since we both don't believe that the anemone will move, it has attached itself to this really nice rock and hasn't moved since. We even tried to turn the rock around out of water flow and good lighting and it still didn't move, just spread out a bit. It is a very nice anemone and my clowns love it, its almost always open and looking good.
My friend is like a mother to me, (my boyfriends mom) and she and I are always giving eachother corals and polyps and other stuff. I got her addicted to SW tanks and now she has 2 125g tanks!!!
Thanks again for the comments!

bang guy


Originally posted by aqua_chick
My friend had decided to give me the rock

That's GREAT news!! Congrats.


New Member
Thank you Bang Guy!
I am deffinately going to slip her some $. She gave me the 2 clowns, anemone and rock (about 12lbs)...I was going to buy them from her but she won't take any $ so I'll have to sneak it to her ;)