Removing Copper


Hi all,
I have an acrylic QT set up and used Coppersafe to treat a fish... Now that I am done using it for treatment, what is the most reliable way to disinfect the tank and eliminate the residual copper.
Also, what about my filter... Can it be used again? It's a Bio-wheel.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!
Run carbon, it shuold eliminate some. Carbon is a trace element, and skimmers remove small amounts of elements, so run a skimmer if you dont. also water changes will help.


Well, I do plan on emptying the tank completely and letting it cycle properly.. It was purchased in an emergency situation with a fish that was sick. I just want to make sure there are no traces of copper or disease left in it for when I go to use it again....


Your milage will always very.
A long time ago I used a ton of copper treatment on my 55 before it became a reef. A couple of years later and a few 100% water changes and overhauls. I made it into a reef tank with snails, hermits, shrimps and crabs. If I lost anything it was because of water quality due to UGF and Crushed coral, overfeeding.. but not from copper.
You will need to get rid of all substrate, rocks..discard them.
Rinse the heck out of the tank, let dry.
Set it up again and check for copper levels, depending on your results go from there.


Well, I don't think I have to worry about the silicone as it's an acrylic hexagon tank... So unless the acrylic absorbs it that should be ok... And I have no substrate or rock in there... It only has water... I'll give it a good cleaning and then set it back up and test the copper... Is there anything but water that is safe to clean the tank with?


there are a couple of products that are made to remove copper and heavy metals from the water. I would run a couple of these through the tank while it cycles. I beleive kent makes one.
I had a copper issue in my 55 for a while and I ran these for about 6 months the last one I ran for a good solid month and it never turned the copper green, I also did the snail test I would buy one snail put it in the tank and see how long it would live. Each snail would live longer than the last. After I could keep snails alive everything else seemed fine.
BTW snails will pretty much liquify if there is any copper in the tank. Stinks horridly.


Active Member
Running a Polyfilter and carbon in tandem does a good job of absorbing copper out of the water. I wouldn't be too concerned with the acrylic tank and copper, but I probably wouldn't use the filter again.

bang guy


Originally posted by niffer76
Now that I am done using it for treatment, what is the most reliable way to disinfect the tank and eliminate the residual copper.

Buy a new tank. No joke. Use it for a hospital, QT or fish only but not a reef.


Active Member
Guys I think some of you missed that this is an Acrylic tank.
Rinse it thoroughly and run the poly pads/carbon for safe measure but honestly I don't think you will have any problems - copper AFAIK will not penetrate and release from acrylic.


There are those that have had copper problems and those that haven't. The question is, Is a new tank cheaper than the cost of the inverts you would lose if copper was resident in the tank.
Use it for a hosp. for fish only......Or sell it to a fresh water guy...
Not worth it,unless you want to see a slow death from things that react to it over time....Why take a chance.......
We use copper paints on boats because it constantly leaches out and discourages marine growth.......unfortunatlely it work all to well.