Removing Polyps


I have some brown paly's spreading in my 29G....YEAH, I put it there...LOL....BUT, some are spreading on other things,
How do I remove them? Do I just scrape them at the bottom? see how they are starting to make my pipe organs mad :(


I just take a razor blade to their base. I do a water change afterwards just to be on the safe side.

gill again68

Active Member
Polyp do have some nasty stuff. If you will recall all the warnings when fragging them. Are you running any carbon? That would help with any toxins or at least cut them down.


Originally Posted by Gill again68 http:///forum/thread/381410/removing-polyps#post_3322019
Polyp do have some nasty stuff. If you will recall all the warnings when fragging them. Are you running any carbon? That would help with any toxins or at least cut them down. this tank I have a HOB filter with 2 carbon bags...I just changed one today too...LOL
Now I'm scared :(


Active Member
Use an xacto knife and try to get some of the rock underneath so you don't cut the polyp stalk. They are just gonna keep doing that ya know.


Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/381410/removing-polyps#post_3322029
Use an xacto knife and try to get some of the rock underneath so you don't cut the polyp stalk. They are just gonna keep doing that ya know.
Yeah I know.....I had one polyp that was floating loose...LOL...I tossed it in the 29G..and saw the pic
They sure are pretty though :)
I'm gonna toss them in my 10G Kenya tree tank, and if I ever get back to Texas to my NOTSO LFS....I am bringing him LOTS of kenya, a few red mushrooms, and possibly some of these polyps


Active Member
No. But try not to. Will slime like a son of a gun. Just one or two would not cause a problem IMO. Glove would be a good idea, then a good scrub of your hands and arms with hot soapy water after.


Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/381410/removing-polyps#post_3322033
No. But try not to. Will slime like a son of a gun. Just one or two would not cause a problem IMO. Glove would be a good idea, then a good scrub of your hands and arms with hot soapy water after.
Well I hate to say it, but I am gonna have to wait for hubby :( My knife needs sharpening, and this rock is's hard as a rock HAHA
I don;t want to chop these things up