Rena or Fluval?


Well I'm changing my mind again. I was interested in the Fluval G3, But they are pretty pricey! Now I'm going between the Fluval 406 And the Rena XP4. This is for my 40 gallon breeder tank. Which would you choose? Which one is more quiet? Thanks!


I use the a Rena XP4 in one of my aquariums and an XP3 in another. I find that they are very quiet and easy to use and maintain, but that is just a personal preference.


Well-Known Member
I haven't ran the Fluvals but a lot of people seem to like them. I have a Rena xp2 that I ran for about 4 years and an xp3 that I've ran for 2 years but is 4 years old (got it used). Both are dead silent and have served me pretty well, no complaints. They were both still working when I took my tank down.


I've had 4 Rena XP3's running for 6-8 yrs now. All FW, so take that with a grain of salt - cheap pun intended. Haven't had a single problem with any unit. Imho they are the easiest canister to maintain of the brands I've owned (which include Eheim and Fluval). They are also very quiet, though not quite as silent as Eheim. For a living room they should be just fine, if it were a bedroom though I might go with Eheim. As for micro-bubbles, you might see some for a short while after starting/restarting the filter, but then no.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lbannie http:///t/395987/rena-or-fluval#post_3527170
That's what I'm looking for-SILENT!! Lol. Did you ever have issues with microbubbles?
The only time there's really a microbubble issue is after you take them out and clean them. Air gets trapped inside the canister when you go to put the top back on or you get some air in the lines and it can take a few minutes to work it's way out once you start running it again. The way that I got around that is that I would fill the canisters back up with water before I put the tops back on. Issue solved. You might get a random bubble or two at first but it goes away pretty quick.


Oh good! My c360 was constant. I called company, lubed, re attached everything, still bubbles. I think I'm going to go with the rena xp4. I can get it online for $140! Not too bad.
And the tank is in living room. But no cabinet, I just have black material surrounding stand.
One day I will have a bigger tank in a real cabinet!!


I went with the fluval 406 after returning the c-360. I also had the same problems with the c-360. But the fluval so far so good.


Wow! Got the filter all set up!! Really quiet! It's only been on an hour and I think my tank looks better already!! Happy so far


I forgot to mention ive been dealing with a cloudy tank. I recently changed to black sand and then bought an order of pods. After that ive had really cloudy water. I was hoping the new filter would fix this. A week later still cloudy! I did a 40% WC and I've changed the pads in the filter every other day. Today I changed the water in the filter and new pads. I've been running carbon and bio zorb. I'm getting so aggravated! I hope it doesn't have to do with the black sand. I'm ready to take it all apart. AGAIN!! Here's a pic from sitting across the room.
What should I do?!!


all the powerheads turned off or on? I would just shut everything off and let it sink even the filter


I turned the powerheads off, just filter is running. I don't even know what it is that's clouding it up so bad.


Well-Known Member
Quite possibly experiences a bacteria bloom from all of the changes you've made recently. Typically, if it's sediment clouding the tank the canister filter will clear it up within a few hours for the most part. Those filters use foam pads for particulate matter. I'm not sure if you're running the ones that catch the finer particles or not. But if not, that's something you could look into. If it is a bacteria bloom like I think it is then it's probably just going to take a little time for the bacteria to colonize all of the surfaces in the tank and new sand before the water itself really clears up.


So this is somewhat normal? My fish seem fine. Yes I have foam and felt pads in the filter I've been changing the felt every other day


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lbannie http:///t/395987/rena-or-fluval#post_3528381
So this is somewhat normal? My fish seem fine. Yes I have foam and felt pads in the filter I've been changing the felt every other day
Yep, it's not all that uncommon at all after major changes are made to an existing or even new systems if the bio load exceeds the available bacteria in the system.. I'd leave the filter alone for a couple of weeks and just let the system run. But someone else could have some other ideas on this as well. When you took the old sand out you undoubtedly stired up a lot of nasty stuff locked up in the old sand.


I emptied the whole tank and basically started from scratch. Should I keep the filter running? Powerheads too?


Well-Known Member
I would, yes. Do you have fish in their now? If so you might want to check your ammonia levels.