Representing myself


Currently I am in the run for a job working at a new aquarium that opened up in AZ. Called Sealife.
In about a week I am going for a group interview and I was asked to bring something Green to represent myself. I understand that this is something I need to figure out for myself but I would like some general idea's.
A little bit about myself. I am outgoing and enthusiastic. Humoreous and enjoyable to be around. I like to work hard and love to explain things to people. I am very organized and responsible.
If anyone could just throw some idea's out, I'd appreciate it. It can be anything, any object. I don't want to show up with something and see three other people with it.


Active Member
Your 40 BR is a good looking tank. Maybe some pictures of it and some explanation on your setup, critters etc and your love of the hobby?


Active Member
Well if you consider yourself to be an environmentally green person, I would go with something along those lines. This way you are putting more consideration into green other than it is a color. I know more and more places like zoos and aquariums are getting people to go green. Perhaps, you could take a pic of your tank and explain how the live rock and fish were from ex hobbyists, and the coral was frags from friends and you are continuing to frag corals. Just a thought.


Active Member
Just the premise behind their request would lead me to not bother with the job. What are they trying to learn, how much butt someone will kiss for the privilege of working for them? Pretty lame if you ask me.


Well I appreciate each of your idea's. I decided on bringing in a good picture of my tank, explaining that I have used frags for all coral (trying to prevent future harvesting of mother colonies implying that I care about the enviroment) I have fish that I have rescued from horrible conditions and near death experiences (showing that I am responsible and caring) and so on...
Sound ok?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/379989/representing-myself#post_3305200
is it color green or environmentally green.

Actually that choice alone will tell a person about your inner self. A literal person would bring a cactus, and a philosophical person would bring a paper bag. The description you gave of yourself is not what the interviewer wants; they want to know the deep person the superficial hides.
I suppose if you’re going to work with dolphins or something like that they would need to know, but I think it’s kind of creepy. LOL…maybe it’s just a break the ice game, and we are over analyzing the whole idea.

At any rate, I think showing your tank with the frags is a fine idea. It shows you to be literal (green frags) and philosophical. They will certainly get to know you, and for getting a Sealife job it’s a great way to show you are marine oriented.


Active Member
I agree with reef here. Sounds like they are just looking for whoever comes up with the best bullshit ass kissing story.


I think your idea is spot on for what they're looking for. You're giving them something literal, as well as opening the door to who you are.
I wish you the very best of luck on your interview!