Republican Candidates


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
McCain isn't Romney or Hunter when it comes to economics but he's still miles ahead of anything still in the Democrat field. The thing is most presidents are not good with economics. You need to look at who they are listening too. Jack Kemp and Phil Gramm appear to have McCain's ear, that's good enough for me.
We need a president that is good or has good w/ economics in the next term. McCain is not saying much in this area... I heard him recently saying that he has a plan, but it doesn't have in it everything he would like...
Did anyone watch the debates lastnight?
As far as Economic plans - Hilary's is very vague... Many of the top ecomomists and Washington Post are giving top marks to Obama's Plan.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
We need a president that is good or has good w/ economics in the next term. McCain is not saying much in this area... I heard him recently saying that he has a plan, but it doesn't have in it everything he would like...
Did anyone watch the debates lastnight?
As far as Economic plans - Hilary's is very vague... Many of the top ecomomists and Washington Post are giving top marks to Obama's Plan.
Actually Hillary's plan is VERY clear. And obama isn't far behind.
"let's allow our unions and their organizers to lift up this country's middle class again." -Barak
Funny how union workers are getting laid off in the auto industry while non-union work is being hired left and right by toyota.
That is really going to work, the problem with unions is that it allows the price of labor to increase arbitrarily, without corrolated to an increase in output. Do that too much and you have detroit, 2008.
Old hash keynesian economics have been proven to fail time and time again. How many times does it have to fail before people learn? I don't understand why democrats insist on trying to revive it.


Active Member
It wasn't until Reagan that we began taking a more lasse fare aproach to economic policy. Carters term brought these control style economic ideas down, when reagan took over your talking about 70% tax brackets, 17% inflation, interest rates around 20%. Yeah, that is what democratic leaders will bring as change back to our country.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
We need a president that is good or has good w/ economics in the next term. McCain is not saying much in this area... I heard him recently saying that he has a plan, but it doesn't have in it everything he would like...
Did anyone watch the debates lastnight?
As far as Economic plans - Hilary's is very vague... Many of the top ecomomists and Washington Post are giving top marks to Obama's Plan.
Do you really think Obama wrote the plan?

There are some good things in there. Problem is for every good thing there are two bad one's.
For instance Obama want to decrease the amount of self emplyment taxes people pay. Hello??? Earth to Obo, Social Security and Medicare are already on a fast track to collapse. Yep, lets go ahead and decrease the taxes paid into the system.
Just too many expansions of government enttlements. We need to decrease spending, not increase it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Do you really think Obama wrote the plan?

There are some good things in there. Problem is for every good thing there are two bad one's.
For instance Obama want to decrease the amount of self emplyment taxes people pay. Hello??? Earth to Obo, Social Security and Medicare are already on a fast track to collapse. Yep, lets go ahead and decrease the taxes paid into the system.
Just too many expansions of government enttlements. We need to decrease spending, not increase it.
Well his plans are to increase medicare through his health plan and I believe he has a plan for social security... We need to get out of Iraq. Do you know how much we spent on the new embassy in Badghad? And the overall cost of this war?
So do you want to privatize Social Security like Rebubs want to do? I think that is a bad idea, especially given the state of the markets right now and the devalue of the dollar.
One other question... What happenend to our gold? Is it true that our dollar is no longer backed by gold in "Fort Knox"?
It doesn't matter who wrote the plan. Do you think Bush writes his speeches... let alone any policies his admin comes up with?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Do you really think Obama wrote the plan?

There are some good things in there. Problem is for every good thing there are two bad one's.
For instance Obama want to decrease the amount of self emplyment taxes people pay. Hello??? Earth to Obo, Social Security and Medicare are already on a fast track to collapse. Yep, lets go ahead and decrease the taxes paid into the system.
Just too many expansions of government enttlements. We need to decrease spending, not increase it.
How many times do they have to lower tax rates and watch tax revenues go up before it sinks into peoples heads?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
a couple pages ago, I posted a link to an interview of Hillary talking about her views on the economy. It is one of the scariest stories I've read in a looong time.
Romney, and Rudy, seem to be pretty conservative fically, Huckey isn't at all, a budget that tripled during his term isn't good news, and McCain is pretty moronic with what he is saying now. I won't support tax cuts without budget cuts. Since we ALL know that the Budget isn't going to shrink, so much for our tax cuts. And then again it is a bit odd that every time there is a rate reduction, tax revenues go up...
But that being said I'm not arguing at all that the Dems have a better point fiscally and economically then any of the Republican candidates. And someone need to tell McCain that global warming is the biggest hoax of the 20th and 21st century. I will not vote for a candidate that is going to run on a green platform.

We have a budget deficit with how many commas? by around 2015 social security goes into the red. People just don't have a clue how serious that is. Currently payroll taxes cover social security plus add to the general budget. This is going to be like having a job where you earn 500 dollars a week plus a 100 dollar bonus then you suddenly lose the bonus and then start having a paycut in a short period of time. .
The sad reality is the best we can hope for is to keep the tax rates near where they are now.
As far as McCain running on a green platform you do know that during the 2000 election Bush promised to sign legislation to cut CO2 emissions? I wouldn't worry too much about that. CO2 emissions probably are influencing warming a little. I see nothing wrong with making an effort to reduce emissions as long as it isn't at the expense of the US economy like Kyoto would have done. McCain says China and India have to be held to the same standards as everyone else. Fat chance either of those countries are going to sign on to any treaty so I doubt this goes anywhere under McCain
The important thing is McCain is electable. I like Romney, I would vote for him in a second. BUT, I don't think there is any way in hell he can get elected in the current political climate. I would rather have my 3rd choice get elected than have one of the two people I would least like to win.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Well his plans are to increase medicare through his health plan and I believe he has a plan for social security... We need to get out of Iraq. Do you know how much we spent on the new embassy in Badghad? And the overall cost of this war?
So do you want to privatize Social Security like Rebubs want to do? I think that is a bad idea, especially given the state of the markets right now and the devalue of the dollar.
One other question... What happenend to our gold? Is it true that our dollar is no longer backed by gold in "Fort Knox"?
It doesn't matter who wrote the plan. Do you think Bush writes his speeches... let alone any policies his admin comes up with?
Great, more government spending, brilliant.
Absolutely we need to privatize social security. You are telling me that the government can better stuward my money than I can. I think the current state of social security debunks that. Over the past 70 years the stock market has enjoyed 12% annual growth. A whole lot better than the returns oru money is giving in social security. A 2 month roller coaster ride is not going to have serious effects on a 40 year retirement stock investment program? When long term growth for the market is at 12% annually?
Are you serious about the gold standard? That hasn't been used in its pure form since WWI. They pegged all our currencies and pegged one currency to gold together following WWII till around the 1970's but rampant inflation, and an inability to control differences in currencies forced the free floating fiat dollar we have today. You'll be hard pressed to find a mainstream economist who would support returning to a gold standard.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Do you really think Obama wrote the plan?

There are some good things in there. Problem is for every good thing there are two bad one's.
For instance Obama want to decrease the amount of self emplyment taxes people pay. Hello??? Earth to Obo, Social Security and Medicare are already on a fast track to collapse. Yep, lets go ahead and decrease the taxes paid into the system.
Just too many expansions of government enttlements. We need to decrease spending, not increase it.
I forgot to add this about Social Security... Americans only pay Social Security ta on wages up to $97,500. So if you eliminate this loop pole than you would have a much larger base to support social security.... but then I know you will have the arguement that these people who make this much probably have no need for assistance during retirement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
We have a budget deficit with how many commas? by around 2015 social security goes into the red. People just don't have a clue how serious that is. Currently payroll taxes cover social security plus add to the general budget. This is going to be like having a job where you earn 500 dollars a week plus a 100 dollar bonus then you suddenly lose the bonus and then start having a paycut in a short period of time. .
The sad reality is the best we can hope for is to keep the tax rates near where they are now.
As far as McCain running on a green platform you do know that during the 2000 election Bush promised to sign legislation to cut CO2 emissions? I wouldn't worry too much about that. CO2 emissions probably are influencing warming a little. I see nothing wrong with making an effort to reduce emissions as long as it isn't at the expense of the US economy like Kyoto would have done. McCain says China and India have to be held to the same standards as everyone else. Fat chance either of those countries are going to sign on to any treaty so I doubt this goes anywhere under McCain
The important thing is McCain is electable. I like Romney, I would vote for him in a second. BUT, I don't think there is any way in hell he can get elected in the current political climate. I would rather have my 3rd choice get elected than have one of the two people I would least like to win.
Why is McCain electable?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I forgot to add this about Social Security... Americans only pay Social Security ta on wages up to $97,500. So if you eliminate this loop pole than you would have a much larger base to support social security.... but then I know you will have the arguement that these people who make this much probably have no need for assistance during retirement.
So why should they pay for it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
We have a budget deficit with how many commas? by around 2015 social security goes into the red. People just don't have a clue how serious that is. Currently payroll taxes cover social security plus add to the general budget. This is going to be like having a job where you earn 500 dollars a week plus a 100 dollar bonus then you suddenly lose the bonus and then start having a paycut in a short period of time. .
The sad reality is the best we can hope for is to keep the tax rates near where they are now.
As far as McCain running on a green platform you do know that during the 2000 election Bush promised to sign legislation to cut CO2 emissions? I wouldn't worry too much about that. CO2 emissions probably are influencing warming a little. I see nothing wrong with making an effort to reduce emissions as long as it isn't at the expense of the US economy like Kyoto would have done. McCain says China and India have to be held to the same standards as everyone else. Fat chance either of those countries are going to sign on to any treaty so I doubt this goes anywhere under McCain
The important thing is McCain is electable. I like Romney, I would vote for him in a second. BUT, I don't think there is any way in hell he can get elected in the current political climate. I would rather have my 3rd choice get elected than have one of the two people I would least like to win.
one problem w/ McCain is that he has changed a lot of his postions since 2000... Is he just saying things to get elected?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
We have a budget deficit with how many commas? by around 2015 social security goes into the red.
it is 150 billion right now.
social security has been in the red for a while.
I don't know what I'm going to do, I have serious serious problems with each candidate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
So why should they pay for it?
We need to do something, and this would help w/ the problem because soc sec is only going to get worse as more people retire. Everyone I think should be required to pay into the system for the overall health of our nation.
I would trust our gov't more than I would the private sector because just look at some of the examples we have... Enron... what happens if the markets continue to decline... or people retire during a down time. This would greatly reduce the amount of $ they would recieve...wouldn't it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Is he just saying things to get elected?
who is not? and if you say Barak I'm going to slap you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
We need to do something, and this would help w/ the problem because soc sec is only going to get worse as more people retire. Everyone I think should be required to pay into the system for the overall health of our nation.
So we should continue pouring money into a broken system?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
who is not? and if you say Barak I'm going to slap you.

I hear you... But I think Obama is the most consistant and appears to be the most honest.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Great, more government spending, brilliant.
Absolutely we need to privatize social security. You are telling me that the government can better stuward my money than I can. I think the current state of social security debunks that. Over the past 70 years the stock market has enjoyed 12% annual growth. A whole lot better than the returns oru money is giving in social security. A 2 month roller coaster ride is not going to have serious effects on a 40 year retirement stock investment program? When long term growth for the market is at 12% annually?
Are you serious about the gold standard? That hasn't been used in its pure form since WWI. They pegged all our currencies and pegged one currency to gold together following WWII till around the 1970's but rampant inflation, and an inability to control differences in currencies forced the free floating fiat dollar we have today. You'll be hard pressed to find a mainstream economist who would support returning to a gold standard.
Here is a link about possibably going back to the gold standard.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
We need to do something, and this would help w/ the problem because soc sec is only going to get worse as more people retire. Everyone I think should be required to pay into the system for the overall health of our nation.
I would trust our gov't more than I would the private sector because just look at some of the examples we have... Enron... what happens if the markets continue to decline... or people retire during a down time. This would greatly reduce the amount of $ they would recieve...wouldn't it?
There is a minor amount regulation that is needed to maintain healthy responsible business practices. Enron was a 401k system that used their stock as the main basis of the program. It would be impossible to do with the federal government. Even if it were done heavy investing in Tbills or something, inveseting in the us government has no risk involved.