Ricordea growth question


Active Member
How big will a single ricordia polyp grow? Right now it is scarcely larger than the tip of my thumb. Will it spread on its own, or should I try to frag it?

yosemite sam

Active Member
Which type of Ricordia? The R. floridas I had got about the size of a 50 cent coin. My R. yumas were bigger. I don't think you can frag ricordias the same way you can other mushrooms. Don't worry, once they're happy, they'll start to split soon enough


Active Member
Mine are the florida variety...I don't think my lighting is adequate for the yumas. I hope he starts to split soon. With all the other corals in the tank, you can hardly see that cute little polyp!


Active Member
I will try and get you a pic dacia of one of my doing it its kinda cool looking mine just started growing another mouth...


Active Member
here is one spliting that iam getting to attach to a piece of live rock you can see the one on the right is spliting it has two mouths the pic isnt the best but i hope this helps!!!!


I have a rock with about 15 polyps. The largest is about 3-4" in diameter with about 3-4 that are 2-3". I have 1 that is splitting and they are in the 1" range. So it really depends on the polyp when it splits. Here is a pic of the 2-3" ranged polyps. The ones splitting are in the bottom left corner. It just looks like 2 polyps stuck together.


I brought 2 single polyps about 2 months ago I now have 4 but they are not totally apart from each other and i dont know if they will be. these things are great pink under the moon light with blue rims and center and a green mouth some times they look orange.


yup, they split all kinds of ways, this is one Ricordea with about 7 mouths.:D once they get to about a half dollar size they should spring new mouths then split.


Active Member
Those pictures are great! Can't wait to get my new camera in a couple of days so I can post great pictures like those too. :yes: