Ricordia lighting?

fish sense

I have read different ideas on lighting for ricordea.
Can anyone 'enlighten' me? Do they need strong lighting or low lighting?
I have one specimen that does not look as well as it did when I got it. It was in full light in my tank, then got partial shade when a coral was placed over it. It still gets some light, but not as bright. I am considering moving it to a brighter area. What do you'all think?


I've got a rock with 6 green & blue ricordea on it under NO florescents. It is about 7" under a 30watt coralife 50/50 in light current. It's been growing over the past 3 weeks under these conditions. Usually about an 30 - 40 minutes after lights on, they are fully open.
One of them looked sickly (very pale blue, wide spaced knobs). About a week after I got it, it "puked" out a large stringer slimey brown stuff. Since then, it's been looking better every day.
In a few days I'll be putting 4x96w PCs over the tank so I'm debating whether or not to move the rock down or just leave it and see what happens.
I agree about the conflicting information. I've read everything from low light/low current to high light/high current. I guess the ricordea will tell us :)


Active Member
I think it's adjusting to it's new lighting conditions. If it doesn't perk up in a week or so I'd move it back to the light conditions it did well in.