

Hey guys,
My friend has this Ricordia in his tank that has blue, pink colors. Someone said that this was a rare color...is it true? If so, I want to snag one when he frags it lol...it's very pretty.
Also, with a 12 gallon how many watts will it need? What are considered to be "rare" zoos, mushrooms, ricordias or whatever coral I can keep in my 12 gallon (has approximately 90 watts)? Preferrably those that don't need spot-feeding like sun corals...but since I have such a limited amount of space I want to be able to have corals in there that are valuable...at least some.


bang is right, but also remeber corals shift colors based on your tanks light intensity and water perameters... so what might be pink in your friends tank may turn red or orange in yours...


bang, you got my addicted to rics!!! i bought a bunch of Blue ones(about 10 heads) and they are great, pinks mouths
And then i gott his realy nice Orange one,i can see it outside, literaly!!!!! (it is GLOWING!!!!)
and this weekend im going to get some lime green ones and yellow ones. im so excited.
bang i owe you! i never really likes Rics untill i saw your yellow one.

bang guy


Originally posted by Effloresce
bang, you got my addicted to rics!!! i bought a bunch of Blue ones(about 10 heads) and they are great, pinks mouths
And then i gott his realy nice Orange one,i can see it outside, literaly!!!!! (it is GLOWING!!!!)

That Orange one was always my favorite. Here's a comparison of the Orange one I sent to you and my new one. The type I sent to you is on the right:


Active Member
Bang looks like you have a baby in your first pic. I know it depends on the ric and tank but how often do you see babies?


Been reading an article that I picked up from my LFS about trying to propigate the pink ricordia. Article states a dismal record of natual reproduction and being hard to reproduce in the home aquarium.
I could maybe reproduce the article here if anyone likes. Or I could just mail it to you if you like Bang Guy.

bang guy


Originally posted by Shoreliner11
Bang looks like you have a baby in your first pic. I know it depends on the ric and tank but how often do you see babies?

'bout once a month or so.

bang guy


Originally posted by Thomas712
I could maybe reproduce the article here if anyone likes. Or I could just mail it to you if you like Bang Guy.

I'd love to read it either way.


Thomas I would be interested in reading that article. Don't mean to jump the thread but please post that article. I am sure there are others interested in reading it as well.


Very well, I'll get to copying it tonight and start a new thread.


hey bang - If you ever feel like you have an over abundance of ricordia, I'm only a haly hour drive away :)


what makes a it a yuma?
I have two light green ricordia that have grown in size but never split. They both started with 1 mouth and now have four.


That Orange one was always my favorite. Here's a comparison of the Orange one I sent to you and my new one. The type I sent to you is on the right:
im sorry, but you have never sent my any rics, you must ahev the wrong person, i got addicted by the picture of the gold/orange one, but you could send me some anyways! lol, i'll pay per polyp.