

Active Member
I dont know exactly how science detects the differences between the two species, but I agree that its generally accepted in the hobby that the tenticals/bumps grow up the side of the mouth colunm on the R. yuma and not on the R. fl.
Now Im not trying to change this idea but maybe get other's thoughts.
I cant recall ever seeing what is said to be a R. fl's. mouth colunm sticking up high enough to tell if they have bumps or not,
So is it possible that that could be a factor as well. That the R. yuma's column sticks up higher than the R. fl. does. All yumas that I see just like the ones in this thread ( great photos BTW ) show a colunm sticking up very high compared to the pics of the floridas.
Any thoughts about this ??
Hers a couple of pics. of my R. floridas. There not as quality as others here but again they show a low mouth colunm.



Active Member
I estimate I have about 15-17 floridas all together, and many are preparing to split.
Just for some extra vocabulary, the protruding mouth column is called the hypostome. :)


Active Member
Nice Rics, all i can find here are orange. I have 4, and they are getting ready to split.
Speg, where can you find them for 5.00 they are 15 to 20 here. for one.


Active Member
my lfs has tons of them. I just went there today and actually thought about taking some home.. but I had to bite the bullet and buy christmas presents today. Send me some $$ and i'll send you as many as you want. I'll pick them out personally ;)


Active Member
This is no lie. There was a store here that had Ricodia's listed for $150 a polyp. I don't know if they actually sold any. They just moved into a new fancy store and raised their prices. About 3 months before they moved I bought a single polyp and the guy said, Well it is kind of small so I will give it to you for $10. I liked them better in the old store.


Active Member
$150 is about right for a pink/red ric yuma.
I'd gladly pay more than $150 for the yuma in Bang's first pic.


i just bought this rock last weekend for $55. Now I know for sure what kind it is thanks to this great forum!! the rock has 10 shrooms, and 3 different kinds of these shrooms. you cant see the third kind in this pic because they are covered up, but they are very translucent, pink and look like jelly. ill try to post a pic if its uncovered tomorrow. these all have become my new favorites. I recommend them to anybody if they get a chance to get some. I've heard from Oceana they can get really BIG too ! check out this thread of bigger ones eating silversides...


what was I thinking?? my mush's are not rics, they are rhods.
just thought i should try to redeem myself


New Member
Omg I NEED to get some of the orange and pinks! All I have is a ton of green. It's multiplying liek crazy. Started out with 5 a little over a year ago and have alt least 35 now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ant11899
Omg I NEED to get some of the orange and pinks! All I have is a ton of green. It's multiplying liek crazy. Started out with 5 a little over a year ago and have alt least 35 now.
Post them in the classifieds as "for trade" and see what ya get offered.


Active Member
I have found that a well placed 'turkey baster' loaded with mysis soaked in selcon, 'bout twice a month produces great growth, color, and splitting. I started with two a year and a half ago.......have ten right now!


gah these are great pics how in the world do you use to resize or get them to attach???


Active Member
if you are on a pc without any program like photoshop, it comes with MS Paint in the accesories, and you go to Image->Stretch/Skew (or ctrl-w) and change your % so the pixels go down to the largest dimension of 500.