Riddle me this?


Active Member
Okay, here is how the game is played. I have a riddle.
1. You may ask as many questions on this thread as you want regarding the riddle BUT they have to be yes or no questions.
2. If you are sure of the answer, don't give it away, but you can PM me to be certain or brag about figuring it out.
3. You can only ask one question per post.
Okay, here's the riddle (finally)
There is a man in the desert. He is dead and there is a straw in his left hand. How did he die and why does he have a straw?
Ask yes or no questions now!


I'm stumped, lol...I can't even think of any questions to ask. did someone steal his juicy juice?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lietz06
I'm stumped, lol...I can't even think of any questions to ask. did someone steal his juicy juice?
You can't think of questions? lol
like "did the man die of..."
Oh, nobody stole his juicy juice...


Well-Known Member
Was the man in the desert a drinker...who got into a fight in a bar and someone murdered him and dumped his body..still clutching his straw?
I know the answer is no but this is so nobody makes the same guess...like that could happen.. LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower
Was the man in the desert a drinker...who got into a fight in a bar and someone murdered him and dumped his body..still clutching his straw?
I know the answer is no but this is so nobody makes the same guess...like that could happen.. LOL
haha, I love that guess though Flower.

coral keeper

Active Member
Was he drinking his water with the straw then tripped over/fell while holding the straw in his hand and broke his neck and died?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Was he running in the desert and got a heart attack and died while holding his straw?
You don't have to guess the answer every question...you can just ask questions about the riddle...