RIP Foxface


Active Member
Darn thing never really ate very much, no matter what i tried. It's been getting thinner and thinner, and i found him sucked onto the power head last night, struggling to get away. I removed him and found him getting eaten by the hermits this morning.
Honestly glad i found him without having to remove all the rock...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
Darn thing never really ate very much, no matter what i tried. It's been getting thinner and thinner, and i found him sucked onto the power head last night, struggling to get away. I removed him and found him getting eaten by the hermits this morning.
Honestly glad i found him without having to remove all the rock...
Sorry to hear it...sometimes no matter how much we try, a fish just won't survive. Still it is a sad loss.


Active Member
Sorry for the foxface. You going to get another? They really are great fish and easy to care for. Yours must have been a sickly one from the get go.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Sorry for the foxface. You going to get another? They really are great fish and easy to care for. Yours must have been a sickly one from the get go.
i had received it for free from someone who had been neglecting the tank and finally took it down, so it's quite possible.
i *may* get another one. This guy was truly a nice community fish once he showed the Kole that he could fight back against it's scapel... I'd like to find one with the dual black spots again though.


But they are venomous!!!! have your guys experiences been with the reef or corals??? Do they mess with them?


Active Member
supposedly their sting hurts less than a bee, but i was always careful not to keep my fingers in while feeding. i rarely saw mine eating algae off the glass or rocks, and it never ate any of my corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
OH...well the only reason I would consider getting one would be so it could eat the algae...
they are supposedly voracious algae eaters, but mine never even ate the algae sheets. maybe it would if younger, but i don't think the original owner had fed it algae


Active Member
Mine cleaned my tank of a Caulerpa infestation, and any other algae growing on the rockwork. Would often see him picking at the sandbed. Algae sheets were gone in no time.
Mine constantly grazes on the rocks and loves any veggies I offer. It has never bothered any corals. Once they get over being spooked everytime you look at them they are a great addition, IMO.