risc what do you keep in your 12000g?


I have more than one of those tanks and the fish that I keep in them change often. However I do have a few mainstays that are always in there. A couple nurse sharks, lemon sharks, blacktips, whitetips, bonnetheads, angel sharks, and wobbegongs, are what I keep around for myself. There are also normal aquarium fish in these tanks as well. Trevallys, baracuda, some snappers... things like that.
risc i have a question a about sharks?? there is a lfs here in the bay that has a lemon shark in a 1000g display tank i feel sorry for it cause it is large and has no swimming room. what is the requirements for those sharks?? those are cool looking sharks


10,000 gallons. Lemon sharks are a big fish... anything less than that could cause disorders or stress death. If they have a 15" baby a 1000 gallon will do fine for about 8 months. After that... find yourself a pool.


Lemons are also pretty smart. I saw something on the discovery channel or something about them. Really neat fish.


With all those tanks I would have tons of pictures, why is it that you haven't added any? I would think that if you have that many tanks then you would also have some sort of access to a digital camera. Just wondering?


acuraman2: no they aren't but they are able to lay on the bottom for extended periods of time. However the spend 90% of their time in constant movement. They are like Leopard sharks in that way. It takes them much more strength and muscular endurance to lie motionless and breathe than it does for them to swim.
All of you guys inquiring about pictures you can read my previous posts about the same topic asked again and again. I do not own a camera of any sort. The pictures from my page are from when I started in this hobby. They are almost 3 years old now... will be in 1 month to be exact.


I just thought I remembered reading that somewhere and if you look their caudal fin is shaped like a nurses where the lower lobe is very small which I would assume helps them cruise the bottom. By the way what and how much you feed your sharks.?
the lemon i seen swims back and forth at the top of that 1000g. it is probably 4 feet long. it has no swimming space. probably just a foot of extra space.


acuraman2: heheh, we used to joke about feeding the children a long time ago... not everyone found it that funny I guess :p
They get market fresh octopus, smelt, shrimp, sometimes scallops get mixed up into the food. I have a friend that works in meat packing and he sometimes is able to get me shrimp and lobster for next to nothing. When I say next to nothing I mean 30 lobster tails for about $12. Once in awhile I will make a seafood salad for them with gelatin. Much like the cubed food you buy at a LFS. Theres vegatables along with shrimp and squid pieces in it. The seem to like it all just the same. I have been known to feed them northern pike or walleye if they refuse to eat for a couple days. When they see that they start eating again in no time. Sometimes if I can get good deals at the fish market I get fish too... ususally frozen however. Anything seafood that I can find for a good deal... they aren't cheap to feed like my ferret is :p
I feed the big ones every 5 days and the young ones every 2 days. Now that I am around a little more often because of the Christmas season feedings are more regular.
I have gotten rid of most of my fish and sold a couple tanks to try and pay down some credit debts I have. With our blazingly powerful economy right now (sarcasm) I have to try and keep my debts as low as possible.
Trigahappy: yeah a lemon of four feet in length shouldn't be in anything less than a 7,000 gallon tank.


risc or anyone else... I'm looking for acouple larger sharks to stock the new ocean in the basement.
Anything in the 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 foot range. Nothing like a nurse, only something that will stay in the 4 - 7 foot range. Okay maybe a nurse but the smaller spieces. I'm trying to find something that someone else bought and can no longer take care of. I figure this way I can due what I can to make this hobby a little better for everyone. Since everyone emails you about sharks I'm sure you may have some contacts on this.
I live in IL and I'm will to travel.. to pick the shark up. Not to Florida but one or two states is fine.
And before everyone starts... no it is not going into a tank... I have a very large pond that will be ready for stocking in a couple weeks or a month.
Thanks for any info,


wrigley11: I will need all the technical aspects of your pond, as well as the amount of gallons and dimensions, your perspective temperature of the pond, your filtration devices and their information. Basically I will need all the information you can give me about this pond. Important things as follows are:
heating method, lighting, height of the pond, covering of the pond, amount of money you have to put into feeding, maximum size limit you want on full grown sharks, whether you think you may move in the future, amount of gallons per day your pumps will move, how often these fish will be monitored for care, and how long the tank has been established.
My email address is in my profile if you want to email me the information. Until then I cannot help you anymore. Look forward to hearing from you.


Some people just have no sense of humor :confused: Good grief thats alot of food well at least variety wise, so you dont feed them any type of red meat I assume its bad for them. And oh yeah I know all to well about credit debt I just spun a bearing in my car and well that set me back a good bit.


Okay, I try to do something good for this hobby that all of us take advantage of and you respond like this. Hey it's no big deal for me, I have connections too, I'll just locate the sharks somewhere else because I'm not some 10 year old who thinks your god.
But just so the kids don't think I'm a jerk, the pond is in my basement, is roughly 35 by 25 by around 3. Something like 19,000 gallons or so. I live in a ranch house with a full basement that I'd say 1/3 of is my pond.
Filtration is made of wet/dry's, protein skimmers, and the UV is still up in the air. Heating came from a local supplier that does the work for the SHEDD. I've got better filtration then the SHEDD has on its shark tank right now.
Monitored/care is not a problem, it's in the basement. So there will be one marine biologist and another with a minor in it.
Money for food...I bought the setup didn't I?
How long has it been running... well the two huge moray's that I'm baby sitting seem to have loved it for the past two months. Local dealer got them for a display that is not really ready yet.
But like I said, don't worry about it, your not the only one with connection. And for the pictures... you can damm be sure there will be picture of mine on here as soon as the sharks are in. Actually I'll offer tours to anyone who wants to come visit.
Have a good one and remember just because you have something that other people wish they did, doesn't make you any better then them.


You must be utterly stupid to think he was at all personally attacking you. In everything that he wrote I did not take one thing as a cut down so to say he was asking basic questions so he knows what kinda set up you have so he can better assist you. Second if you have connections already then why bother asking??? I think you need to get off your high horse and be open to others questions and opinions. Also if this is gonna be in your house who are the Marine Biologist and minor in MB? Are you paying someone just to take care of your sharks?


About the Marine Biologist thing... Well the wife happens to have a B.S. in Marine Biology with a M.S. in Micro. I have a B.S. in Micro. and a minor in Marine so the Biologist would be us....
And before the question is ask, no neither of us work in the field. That's how we afford our hobbies.
If it wasn't an attack fine, it seemed like one. I simple ask if he knew anyone who had anything in the 2-1/2 to 4 foot range... max size around 5.
And about the connections... sharks get killed every day because owner have no idea what to do with them. We get calls at the SHEDD, where I work as a diver for the fun, about sharks that have to end up being killed because public aquariums usually don't have the tanks to take everyones over grown sharks.... Maybe I should have been more specific about the whole.
And if he was worried about the sharks new home, he and any one else would be more then welcome to come visit the sharks new home.