

Active Member

Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Where the heck do you get your info? Tax rate % goes up with increased income not down...An example
Tax Year: 2008
Filing Status: Married filing jointly
If your taxable income is between... your tax bracket is:
0 and 16,050 10%
16,051 and 65,100 15%
65,100 and 131,450 25%
131,450 and 200,300 28%
200,300 and 357,700 33%
357,700 and ABOVE
Explain how this is advantagous for the wealthy? The upperclass pay plenty in taxes.
I don't know how you can say that with our progressive tax system


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Thanks for calling me stupid....its real nice of ya.
As for your numbers....
I copied and pasted the whole thing, the data was lost. Are you saying we've had other periods of loss in gdp between 2001 and now? There might have been in 04. But I can't remember off the top of my head.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
.... The tax cuts have disporportionately advantaged the wealthy. ...
That's primarily because the rich pay a disproportionate amount... Let the "poor" pay %40 of their meager incomes to taxes for a year or two; Maybe then they will understand the reality of the situation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
See, here is the main disagreement we are having. You think the top will only grow if the government stays out of the way, but will stop if they have to pay taxes. I disagree. The top will grow no matter what. It is the bottom and middle that need to grow to push the economy. I am categorized as middle class, and while I'm not 'hurting', there is a lot of stuff I would like to buy. I believe the bottom up is the way to go, you believe the top down.
The top still makes money in bottom up policies, like you said they hold their money in investment, meaning when we buy things, they make money! Plus, when the top puts so much money into investments (stocks etc), it doesn't spur economic growth at all, this is the wrong type of investment.
You know what else I find ironic, you say growth comes from the bottom up, yet even with a redistribution type system. Where does the money come from? Isn't isn't other poor people. To me something isn't adding up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
See, here is the main disagreement we are having. You think the top will only grow if the government stays out of the way, but will stop if they have to pay taxes. I disagree. The top will grow no matter what. It is the bottom and middle that need to grow to push the economy. I am categorized as middle class, and while I'm not 'hurting', there is a lot of stuff I would like to buy. I believe the bottom up is the way to go, you believe the top down.
The top still makes money in bottom up policies, like you said they hold their money in investment, meaning when we buy things, they make money! Plus, when the top puts so much money into investments (stocks etc), it doesn't spur economic growth at all, this is the wrong type of investment.
If you want more, better yourself through education and experience and get a higher paying job.
Why is this such a difficult concept for folks? We live in the greatest, most free and rich society ever known. Work hard, better yourself, and make your own money. Quit waiting for the Government to do it for you.
Investments absolutely do spur economic growth. Companies use investment capital to expand...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I have to agree with sickboy here.... The tax cuts have disporportionately advantaged the wealthy. A McCain plan does nothing to generate growth from the bottom up...so the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Our economy is good when the middle class has purchasing power... and now they do not. The release of our budget forecast shows a new record of debt... something like $482 billion... which could potentially grow with the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac takeover... The AMT may also be taken off the books which would increase the debt by another $50 billion. This next president/congress will have to raise taxes.... if McCain wins... this is something that he will need to do if he is a responsible president... however the last 8 years have shown that republicans are not fiscally responsible.
A continuation of the Bush tax cuts will hurt us!
So now Obama is raising taxes based off of what you said, would you make up your mind.
and how have the advantaged the wealthy....They pay more and a higher percentage constantly. They pay for services they never use....yet you would tax them more? This seems unfair. Remember why we split from England in the first place. It was because the U.S. colonies were taxed higher than the homeland and their taxes were raised. Keep over taxing those that create jobs and such and the jobs will go overseas more and more, why employ someone here when you are taxed rediculously to do so when you can hire them cheaper in a different country.
Your methodology just promotes companies to outsource.You can stop jobs from going overseas easily enough. U.S. companies that do not outsource receive a tax break...this would keep the jobs at home.....


Active Member
I personally think that everyone should be taxed equally. For instance if I pay 30% of my income to taxes, so should someone who makes 250,000 or more a year. No more, no less. I don't think, regardless of pay range, that you should have to pay more or less. That is unfair.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
If you want more, better yourself through education and experience and get a higher paying job.
Why is this such a difficult concept for folks? We live in the greatest, most free and rich society ever known. Work hard, better yourself, and make your own money. Quit waiting for the Government to do it for you.
Investments absolutely do spur economic growth. Companies use investment capital to expand...
The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is beginning to affect wildlife in the US .
Animals that were formerly self-sufficient are now showing signs of belonging to
the Democratic Party... as they have apparently learned to just sit and wait for
the government to step in and provide for their care and sustenance.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is beginning to affect wildlife in the US .
Animals that were formerly self-sufficient are now showing signs of belonging to
the Democratic Party... as they have apparently learned to just sit and wait for
the government to step in and provide for their care and sustenance.
That's awesome!!! And so true!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is beginning to affect wildlife in the US .
Animals that were formerly self-sufficient are now showing signs of belonging to
the Democratic Party... as they have apparently learned to just sit and wait for
the government to step in and provide for their care and sustenance.
LOL, wow....


Active Member

Originally Posted by stdreb27
When have you EVER seen the GDP referred to in actual not real numbers?
You'll see it buried in the report but the BEA never goes out and reports the GPD not adjusted for inflation.
From the BEA report you are referring to....
The price index for gross domestic purchases, which measures prices paid by U.S. residents,
increased 4.2 percent in the second quarter, the same as in the advance estimate; this index increased 3.5
percent in the first quarter. Excluding food and energy prices
, the price index for gross domestic
purchases increased 2.2 percent in the second quarter, the same increase as in the first quarter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
If you want more, better yourself through education and experience and get a higher paying job.
Why is this such a difficult concept for folks? We live in the greatest, most free and rich society ever known. Work hard, better yourself, and make your own money. Quit waiting for the Government to do it for you.
Investments absolutely do spur economic growth. Companies use investment capital to expand...
Ok, I didn't mean to sound like I'm complaining, I was just giving an example. In case you missed it in one of the threads we have been having this conversation in, I graduate from college in December. I agree that people need to work harder, and I've accused many of being lazy. And I don't think the government should hand out money to people, that is stupid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
...And I don't think the government should hand out money to people, that is stupid.
It's called Socialism; The mentality that the Government can take better care of the people than they can care for themselves. Obama and the DNP are big proponents of this idea.


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
I personally think that everyone should be taxed equally. For instance if I pay 30% of my income to taxes, so should someone who makes 250,000 or more a year. No more, no less. I don't think, regardless of pay range, that you should have to pay more or less. That is unfair.

Flat tax is fair to everyone!


Active Member

Originally Posted by sickboy
From the BEA report you are referring to....
The price index for gross domestic purchases, which measures prices paid by U.S. residents,
increased 4.2 percent in the second quarter, the same as in the advance estimate; this index increased 3.5
percent in the first quarter. Excluding food and energy prices
, the price index for gross domestic
purchases increased 2.2 percent in the second quarter, the same increase as in the first quarter.
I didn't realise that we were talking price indexes. And not real Gross Domestic Product. You know where you implied that I was using 2008 dollars and not 2000 dollars? Then turned around and said with my number's we are shrinking. Whether to use a core or standard CPI is an interesting debate. I say use both with a grain of salt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Ok, I didn't mean to sound like I'm complaining, I was just giving an example. In case you missed it in one of the threads we have been having this conversation in, I graduate from college in December. I agree that people need to work harder, and I've accused many of being lazy. And I don't think the government should hand out money to people, that is stupid.
I'm so confused, what do you think a redistribution programs do? Hand money out to people who meet certain criteria.
Where would bottom up growth come from? The new deal was a MASSIVE program to asert government control on the market place and hand out $$.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
My question is when are they going to put Palin out there.... she is avoiding all interviews and she only appears with McCain at events... We know that everthing up to this point is being fed by the campaign... Yes, I personally am waiting for her to mess up... however; that is besides the point... it does seem like they are limiting her exposure because she is not prepared or knowledgable on certain issues.
She'll be out there when the campaign is good and ready. I wanna' know who died and left the freakin' media boss anyway? I don't give a whit what they think she should do or when they think she should do it.
Does anyone really think for a second that the liberal media(PMSNBC et al.) is going to give Palin the same treatment they have given Saviour Obama?


Active Member
For a party that attacks McCain as knowing nothing about economics their golden boy in the race took several months to realize what McCain has said all along, you don't raise taxes during an economic slowdown. You can't be an expert on every subject. I kinda like the fact McCain admits there are others who know more about economics than he does and will listen to them.


McCain sucks! The only thing he can say and only thing he has to credit himself with is his P.O.W story. And FTLOG...As we all think it's horrible that he went through that and respect the fact that he prevailed through it, IT DOES NOT MAKE YOU PRESIDENT MATERIAL!
Used to think he was credible until he absorbed all of W's views which is just sad and pathetic. Because look at how many "great" things his **** did in office? Only thing he did that was worthy was invent new words like STRATEGERY....