

Active Member
Originally Posted by Robbin
McCain sucks! The only thing he can say and only thing he has to credit himself with is his P.O.W story. And FTLOG...As we all think it's horrible that he went through that and respect the fact that he prevailed through it, IT DOES NOT MAKE YOU PRESIDENT MATERIAL!
Used to think he was credible until he absorbed all of W's views which is just sad and pathetic. Because look at how many "great" things his retarded ass did in office? Only thing he did that was worthy was invent new words like STRATEGERY....
Yeah, if he is a clone of "W" why did kerry ask him to run against bush as the VEEP?
And why did he reach out to the democrats and ask about switching parties?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robbin
McCain sucks! The only thing he can say and only thing he has to credit himself with is his P.O.W story. And FTLOG...As we all think it's horrible that he went through that and respect the fact that he prevailed through it, IT DOES NOT MAKE YOU PRESIDENT MATERIAL!
Used to think he was credible until he absorbed all of W's views which is just sad and pathetic. Because look at how many "great" things his retarded ass did in office? Only thing he did that was worthy was invent new words like STRATEGERY....
Care to compare the Bills McCain has sponsored and co-sponsored with Obama's record?
Care to compare the number of times McCain "accidentally" voted the wrong with the number of times obama admitted "accidentally" voting the wrong way?
Care to compare the number of times McCain voted against his party (and the President) with the number of times Obama hs voted against his party?
Care to compare McCain's views on the troop surge and Obama's?
Shall I continue?


just saying...I used to respect him. Don't think he is a clone of "W" but he is swinging far right to gather those "troops". which I get because it politics but still.
I always thought he was a "closet" liberal but during this race he has obviously changed his views. Or at least hides them really well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robbin
never said I was an Obama fan. quite presumptious, aren't we?
The race is between two people. When you post "McCain sucks" it's not too tough to connect the dots.
The ole saying "You're either for us or against us" comes into play here.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The race is between two people. When you post "McCain sucks" it's not too tough to connect the dots.
The ole saying "You're either for us or against us" comes into play here.
that's just rediculous. Short answer is that neither candidate is anything to write home about...even shorter answer is that I am a liberal and I fully plan to vote straight liberal. For no other reason but to NOT see another conservative in office any longer than possible.
Oh, and as this thread indicates... that only poor uneducated people support Obama and complain about the tax issues.....I am in a 33% tax bracket and have spent almost a decade in school so try not to assume that I am complaining about taxes or lack there of or need to be "more" educated to better my "social" status.....
My opinion....It's not the liberals that lack education or need to get off their ass and stop complaining. I could go on but last I checked, this was a message board for SALTWATERFISH.COM!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robbin
never said I was an Obama fan. quite presumptious, aren't we?

Originally Posted by Robbin

...even shorter answer is that I am a liberal and I fully plan to vote straight liberal. For no other reason but to NOT see another conservative in office any longer than possible...
So, I assumed correctly when I posted a comparison of McCain and Obama, did I not?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robbin
...Oh, and as this thread indicates... that only poor uneducated people support Obama and complain about the tax issues.....I am in a 33% tax bracket and have spent almost a decade in school so try not to assume that I am complaining about taxes or lack there of or need to be "more" educated to better my "social" status.....
My opinion....It's not the liberals that lack education or need to get off their *** and stop complaining. I could go on but last I checked, this was a message board for SALTWATERFISH.COM!!!!!
I didn't post any such thing. What I clearly said was if you aren't happy with your lot in life we live in a country where you are fully capable of getting more if you apply yourself.
This is a SWF forum. That said, this particular section of the forum is for off topic discussions. If you post something like "McCain sucks" expect your comment to draw some criticsm.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The race is between two people. When you post "McCain sucks" it's not too tough to connect the dots.
The ole saying "You're either for us or against us" comes into play here.

Originally Posted by 1journeyman

So, I assumed correctly when I posted a comparison of McCain and Obama, did I not?
Comparison??? NO. I never compared the two. Nor will I. As I said before, I am voting straight liberal for a reason and Obama is not the reason.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robbin
Comparison??? NO. I never compared the two. Nor will I. As I said before, I am voting straight liberal for a reason and Obama is not the reason.
If you are voting for Obama and saying McCain "sucks" I'm just not sure why comparing Obama with McCain is not open to comparison.


If you post something like "McCain sucks" expect your comment to draw some criticsm.
fair enough! I will be more aware of my posts moving forward.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
If you are voting for Obama and saying McCain "sucks" I'm just not sure why comparing Obama with McCain is not open to comparison.

it's open just not with me. I didn't vote for Obama in the primaries. Let's just leave it at that.


Active Member
Robbin, it does not matter what tone you used, these people will resort to name calling and belittlement no matter what you say. They claim that America is the best place ever, and in the next breath will call you unamerican if you don't agree with them...which I thought was one of the great things about this country, that dissenting voices would be heard.
I here by banish myself from political threads in the Aquarium as I only get mad at you close minded people, I don't dislike any of you, and hope to have good discussions about regarding saltwater tanks. Just keep in mind, my intention was to make EVERYONE better off, not just a few as some of the policies represented would do.


Active Member
Take it from somebody that is less than happy with Bush however I live in OBamaland aka Illinois. Take a look at how Fup our state is BEFORE You cast that ballot for Obama his closest buddy Blagovich is the Governor Emil Jones was his State Senate Daddy and between those 2 alone we have seen the state debt which was 16 billion in long term debt when Blago took office in 2003 BALLON TO 100 billion in 6 years to pay for all of his LIBERAL PLANS along with all the freaking pork they have sent to Chicago. If you live outside of Cook or the Collar counties YOU MIGHT AS WILL BE FROM ANOTHER PLANET HERE IN THIS STATE. Our lovely governor Flys his 1000 dollar haircut done at the taxpayers expense down to the capital Springfield 2 times a DAY when the Legislature is in session INSTEAD OF LIFVING IN THE GOVERNORS MANSION THAT IS PROVIDED FOR HIM. Cost of each flight 6000 He wastes more money in a week on flights than most people in IL make in a year. Yet he has gutted the DMV raised fees so high that next to no one can afford to do business in this state and yet Screams when the legioslature BTW all controlled by Democrats tell him NO and then he gets mad and closes state parks and historical sites in those Legislatures Districts that have the guts to stand up to him. He just got thru closing over 130 parkws and other historical sites because the people that represent those districts voted against him in the latest budget battle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Robbin, it does not matter what tone you used, these people will resort to name calling and belittlement no matter what you say. They claim that America is the best place ever, and in the next breath will call you unamerican if you don't agree with them...which I thought was one of the great things about this country, that dissenting voices would be heard.
I here by banish myself from political threads in the Aquarium as I only get mad at you close minded people, I don't dislike any of you, and hope to have good discussions about regarding saltwater tanks. Just keep in mind, my intention was to make EVERYONE better off, not just a few as some of the policies represented would do.

#1. America IS the best place ever, that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. Pointing out flaws is hardly Un American, spreading total BS about the country is.
#2. Who exactly is doing the name calling now? Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them close minded.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Robbin, it does not matter what tone you used, these people will resort to name calling and belittlement no matter what you say. They claim that America is the best place ever, and in the next breath will call you unamerican if you don't agree with them...which I thought was one of the great things about this country, that dissenting voices would be heard.
I here by banish myself from political threads in the Aquarium as I only get mad at you close minded people, I don't dislike any of you, and hope to have good discussions about regarding saltwater tanks. Just keep in mind, my intention was to make EVERYONE better off, not just a few as some of the policies represented would do.
Please quote me where I belittled or name called...
I don't believe it is the Government's job to make my life better. The Constitution only guarantees me the right to pursue happiness. It should be up to me, not Washington, yo dictate happiness in my life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robbin
McCain sucks! The only thing he can say and only thing he has to credit himself with is his P.O.W story. And FTLOG...As we all think it's horrible that he went through that and respect the fact that he prevailed through it, IT DOES NOT MAKE YOU PRESIDENT MATERIAL!
Used to think he was credible until he absorbed all of W's views which is just sad and pathetic. Because look at how many "great" things his **** did in office? Only thing he did that was worthy was invent new words like STRATEGERY....
148 days in the Senate trumps being and officer and fighter pilot? Officers are trained to lead, not debate. Senators are trained to debate, not lead. All things equal, I'd vote the officer ( or NCO).
Obama invented 58 states. Then there's the "Ah"bama tapes.
Then the 2 biggest flip flops from Obama: the surge is working, and not raising taxes in tough economic times.


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
148 days in the Senate trumps being and officer and fighter pilot? Officers are trained to lead, not debate. Senators are trained to debate, not lead. All things equal, I'd vote the officer ( or NCO).
Obama invented 58 states. Then there's the "Ah"bama tapes.
Then the 2 biggest flip flops from Obama: the surge is working, and not raising taxes in tough economic times.
hahhaah...OK if you say so


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Robbin, it does not matter what tone you used, these people will resort to name calling and belittlement no matter what you say. They claim that America is the best place ever, and in the next breath will call you unamerican if you don't agree with them...which I thought was one of the great things about this country, that dissenting voices would be heard.
I here by banish myself from political threads in the Aquarium as I only get mad at you close minded people, I don't dislike any of you, and hope to have good discussions about regarding saltwater tanks. Just keep in mind, my intention was to make EVERYONE better off, not just a few as some of the policies represented would do.
Robbin is the one "name calling".
Socialism is "unAmerican" and unconstitutional.
I've called socialism unamerican, but not the people expounding it. They are just wrong. Obama is a socialist, he is for gov't control over almost everything. You want socialism? Go to where it is practiced. You say I am closed minded, yet I have history and documents like the Declaration of Independance, Constitution backing my claims.
Sickboy, have you read the 10th Ammendment? Do you see how that limits the power of the federal gov't?
We are "created equal", yet there is no "right" that we all get to finish first in this race of life. Read "Harrison Bergeron", there is a society where everyone is equal, yet none are exceptional. You do reap as you sow, it is not the (Constitutional) federal gov't to make sure few sow and many reap. Do we need certain "safety nets"? Sure, but the safety net should not becoe a way of life.
All in all, I've seen more name calling from the left than the right. Look at these posts, i'm sure I'll be right.


Originally Posted by sickboy
Robbin, it does not matter what tone you used, these people will resort to name calling and belittlement no matter what you say. They claim that America is the best place ever, and in the next breath will call you unamerican if you don't agree with them...which I thought was one of the great things about this country, that dissenting voices would be heard.
I here by banish myself from political threads in the Aquarium as I only get mad at you close minded people, I don't dislike any of you, and hope to have good discussions about regarding saltwater tanks. Just keep in mind, my intention was to make EVERYONE better off, not just a few as some of the policies represented would do.

thanks sickboy....
you can keep your political discussions minimized to just myself!