ro/di unit

nm reef

Active Member
Initial water quality is critical(despite reports from a minority)...the vast majority of hobbyists will support the concept of using only RO or RO/DI water to establish a marine system. I don't currently have a RO/DI unit intalled but all of my system water is purchased locally from a vendor that sells me RO/DI @ .15 per gal. I have a home RO/DI unit high on my list of additions. In the long run I'll save money installing my own unit.


Well-Known Member
minority report here :D
the majoirty of nitrAtes and phosphates come from the bioload in the system. Using ro/ri does nothing to reduce those loads. Additionally, by filtering out calcium carbonate, mag and other trace elements, ro/di makes the system harder to maintain. The heavy ions is tap water are eisily filtered out by plant life.
So if you have a choice skip the ro/di and buy a larger system to begin with. If you already have you tank the skip the ro/di and make it easier to maintain. Either way make sure you establish a thriving plant growth.


I've had 2hrs of sleep in the past 36 hrs so this might be hard for me to spit out...
Phosphates and Nitrates are nothing to worry about, If that's all your tap water had then I'd say forget the RO unit and use your tap, unfortunately that's not the case. Your tap water will have a lot more impurities that wont be able to be removed by Bobs ideas.
As the fresh water eveps out of your tank (only PURE fresh water will evap) and you replace it with tap water, that will have metals or other nasty stuff that wont leave the tank. It will become more and more concentrated in the tank until it becomes .......harmfull.
I'm going to bed...


I voted no because my LFS gives free water.
Just go down there with jugs and walk out with 10 gals of free h20.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
Bioload is country #1
tap water is country #2
I would rather fight a war with one country instead of two! :)

I'de rather fight a war (bioload) with an ally (tap water). :jumping:

bang guy


Originally posted by beaslbob
I'de rather fight a war (bioload) with an ally (tap water). :jumping:

Bob pulls the pin on the grenade & throws it at the enemy. The enemy picks up the pin and gazes quizzically at it.


Active Member
I already said yes, but some confusion remains. An RO unit is not nesessary. Some people have very good luck with tap water. I am assuming that their local has good quality, low TDS water. That said, if you want one more tool in your toolbox, an RO is a great one.


I've had mine for 2 years and am glad I got it.I got soooo tired of dealing with the problems associated w/ my tapwater and/or buying water.


You got to give bob some credit. Everytime he gives his input on water issues, everyone gets on him, and he doesnt loose his cool.
I dont necessarily agree with him, but respect his patience with others.


Active Member
Some people can get away with using tap because the tap in there area is of an unusually high quality. Most people however, benefit from the use of an RO/DI. If your in doubt contact your water company and ask for a copy of there last analysis and then weigh the value of buying a unit. 90% of reefers will be better off with the RO/DI. Sometimes people upstream where the water is naturaly cleaner and PH more neutral don't realize how bad the tap is downstream. Besides you don't need anything in your tap for your reef, your salt mix will provide it all. And some of those trace substances(some bad) in tap will build up in your tank if the water is used as top off. Unless your one of the lucky few get the unit.



Originally posted by stapler
You got to give bob some credit. Everytime he gives his input on water issues, everyone gets on him, and he doesnt loose his cool.
I dont necessarily agree with him, but respect his patience with others.

Bob has his own way of doing things, if it works for him then it might work for others. RO units are still a must :) That in tank fuge he made was a pretty cool idea.