RO/DI vs Sparkletts Home Delivery


Curious...since home delivery also start their process with RO/DI water...why would the Total Dissolved Solids spike up so much from plant to home?
Maybe I can show some legs and pursude him into letting test his water with the TDS meter (dual range) this weekend.
WOW! never knew I would ever get so involved and addicted to this hobby :) flirt with a man for fish water :)!!!!!!

bang guy


Originally posted by Nas19320
RO/DI water really has no taste, I'm guessing they add minerals to change that.


Got the test...Distilled water has almost 0 TDS!!! Placed a order with them water will be delievered next week!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by GreatfullReefer
Off Topic but Flouride needs to be topically applied to be of any benefit, drinking it will not help your teeth.

I am sorry but am I the only one that thought of Dr. Stragelove when they read this? :D
Hey Mad, long story short I know a little or two about RO/DI water also. Do they really home deliver DI water or do they only deliver their "Crystal Fresh" drinking water? We currently have the crystal fresh drinking water deliverd to our house, but if they have Di water on the truck then I am getting some.


DI ~ costs (OC, CA) $48.95/month for 3x's 5 gallon bottles, 1 hot/cold dispensor, $1.95 insurance for the bottle.
Most of their customer use the product for either science experiments, after chemo, or that special illness where you have to live in a bubble...or for friggin' fish :hilarious
Seriously...Sparkletts only will make DI water delivery once a month due to the natural of the process...