Originally Posted by sign guy
because its not a smart filter it will only reject what it cant hanndle no on has yet to prove why the tfc would only allow water and not collect trace ellements
What I meant was how do you know what is left after the mech/chem filtration? This would, IMO, be the deciding factor if it is safe. Say that a certian DS was safe at a concentration of .0001 %, but after the RO filter did it's thing and filtered those out, then backwashed itself, there would be a higher concentration of that item. So you might be getting a dose of it at .001%. 10 times higher. After drinking that for say a week, then your body would have had a much higher concentration of that. Soooo.....how do you know, consistantly, that you are not slowly poisoning yourself? Because you dont know consistantly what your getting. There's no debate that the water from the filters, before the RO rejects it is better than the water before its filtered. Drink all you want. The rejected water has a lower concentration of TDS, yes, but the filters removed an uncertain amount of these. Then what ever was left over becomes more concentrated, in the rejected water.