RO Water...really, absolutely, can't live w/o necessary?


With a FOWLR tank, what will I have to deal with using tap water instead of RO water? I know a ton of people will chastize me for even asking, but it is expensive whether you have to get it at the store or buy a RO unit. Just a few years ago you couldn't get this water anyway, could you? What did hobbyists use then? Anyone out there who sticks w/ tap water and having no problems?? Thanks!

bang guy

RO filters have been available since I've been in the hobby.
For a FOWLR it's not 100% necessary but the long term effects typically show up in 4 or 5 years depending on your water quality. Zinc, Tin, Copper are the major culprits but some areas of the country have other contaminants.


Active Member
I thought the same thing you did. I was spending a ton more money than I thought it would cost, so I started to skimp. And everything I have skimped on has cost me more money replacing junk than if I would of just bought the good stuff to start with. I would go with the RO/DI because then you know for sure what you are starting with. No chance of adding toxic chemicals. Do a forum search and you will see some excellant posts on this subject.