RO water??


By mistake I left my unit running and made about 55 gallons of water when I only needed about 10. I do not want to waster this water. Can I just put a pump in it to keep it moving and leave it covered? How long could i possibly leave it?
Any input would be great.


That's good thinking, but that water is sealed. My water runs into a 55g trash can that has a lid. I put a big pump in it and closed the top. I could do a big water change, but I recently added a powder blue and since they are so sensitive I don't want to risk it.


It'll be fine. I use a 75 gallon storage tank for my water. I take out what I need for top offs and changes and let my RO/DI unit fill it back up. I don't use a powerhead or agitate it in anyway. It's RO/DI water. There are no nutrients in it. It won't go stagnant. Just keep the lid on it and it will be fine.