romaine lettuce


I am trying to feed out tang some romaine lettuce. i dont have one of the mangnet things with the clip on it yet, so i broke a piece off and let the stme let it hang down in the water, been about3 hours and he hasnt even looked at it yet. Any ideas, does it need to be lower, he will come up to eat other things. thanks alot


Active Member
It is much better to feed them dried seaweed, it is sold as nori in Asian markets. I have rarely seen saltwater fish reject nori.


ok ill try nori, but i have read of several people trying it with great success. I just figured id giveit a shot since i had some on hand.. Thanks


Why not try to rubberband the romaine to a piece of rock rubble and put it in an accessible area on the tank floor so it is stabilized if your tang tries to pick at at. That's how I serve our tang's nori.


I put Broccoli dipped in Garlic on a vegi clip and my tangs go crazy for it. my naso rips it of the clip and runs away with the whole stalk.
the funniest thing I've ever seen!


mine really don't eat it. it ends up all over the rock and I have to pick it out. I try to give it to the maybe every 2 weeks right before I clean the tank.


i've always wondered about this....what makes the lettuce not nutritional?
i understand that lettuce isn;'t available in the ocean but seaweed, macro's, lettuce are all plants when u get right down to it. don't they consist of the same things? (vitamins, minerals, etc)
i feed my tangs nori...but for years i fed them romaine lettuce and spinach. i didn;t really notice any difference with the fish after i swithced over. i just got sick of having to boil the lettuce and julian sprungs sea veggies are enriched with vitamins.

bang guy

I agree with Kip. Also, Nori other marine algae are not plants. They are very different in terms of structure and nutritional makeup.


what i feed my tank is:
morning one cube of marine cusine (sp) Thaud in zoo
when I get home from work I give them formula 2
plus the Greens
is this good/bad????


New Member
Remember also that Romaine lettuce and other terrestrial veggies are acidic in nature and are made up of freshwater. Saltwater fish live and exist in an alkaline environment, so the acid and freshwater composition of the Romaine lettuce conflicts with their natural habitat and diet. I have also read that tangs/others that are fed true algae instead of lettuce tend to grow larger faster, and retain more brilliant color. Cheers!


I agree that I havent seen a sltwater fish pass up Nori....i feed some to my lawnmower blenny once in awhile and all the fish go crazy over it, even my tomato CBS and hermits seem to really enjoy it as well