Root Canals Suck

michelle l

I'm sorry for you. I work in a dental office as an assistant, and we do a lot of root canals. With the exception of extractions, people always seem to hate root canals the most because they tend to be uncomfortable for a little while afterwards. I have had a couple myself, and I never had a problem, but everybody is different.
Also, they aren't cheap. If you don't have insurance, they can run in the ballpark of $900.00, and when you need a root canal, it means that something bad is going on. You have to fork out the cash to avoid being in a lot of pain at some point or losing the tooth altogether.
Here is my opportunity to preach to everyone: brush, floss, brush, floss!!! It takes just a few minutes a day as opposed to an afternoon in the dental chair and a world of hurt before you get the procedure done!


It dosn't or didn't really hurt, it's just been a little sore. Atleast I didn't feel the second two shots after the first one.

michelle l

Originally Posted by BBB
It dosn't or didn't really hurt, it's just been a little sore. Atleast I didn't feel the second two shots after the first one.
It's a pretty involved procedure, so some discomfort is normal. Does the site where you had the shot hurt or the actual tooth area? We always tell patients to take some Advil and it will help until the discomfort goes away, which should be fairly soon.


Active Member
Ive had two. Hurt a little bit but takes a long time and a lot of fingers in the mouth. uugh. Three trips to the dentists for each I think. Last trip for the crown and yes, $$$$$$$ Sure makes me take care of my teeth better.


haven't had a root canal yet, knock on wood, but that would suck!!! I can't stand needles, so that's the worst part of getting anything done. Both my parents have had at least 3 root canals a piece... i'll have to ask them what it's like...


Active Member
Last time I was at the dentist's office I was having seven, yes, seven cavities filled. I had just come back from a year in a foreign country, and I suppose the water didn't agree with my enamel, b/c I brush and floss like a FIEND.
I floss every night before I go to bed, and I brush after EVERY MEAL. I even brush my gums and my tongue - just like they told me too.
Still I get cavities.

G-d I'd hate to find out what would happen if I DIDN'T brush and floss! :scared:


Some cities and towns do not or cannot put flouride in the water. You all may wanna find out if your water has it. If not your doctor will give you a flouride prescription. I have one for all of my kids. You are supposed to get it from your tooth paste, but most do not brush long enough for it to be effective.
Anywho, I had 1 root canal. Now I am wondering how the tooth under the crown is doing...It was about 7 years ago...


My mouth hurt some after the numbness wore off, but since then it only hurts when I try to eat. I go back to get the crown on the 21st. I hadn't been to the denist for I think three years (we needed to go awhile before that). It seems like I had a total of five cavities. They had to pull one of my sisters teeth. I've started brushing better and flossing.

michelle l

Originally Posted by Tizzo
Some cities and towns do not or cannot put flouride in the water. You all may wanna find out if your water has it. If not your doctor will give you a flouride prescription. I have one for all of my kids. You are supposed to get it from your tooth paste, but most do not brush long enough for it to be effective.
Anywho, I had 1 root canal. Now I am wondering how the tooth under the crown is doing...It was about 7 years ago...
And, if you find that they don't have it in the water or you just want a little boost to your flouride, use ACT rinse (it's a flouride rinse, and it tastes good). My boss recommends it above everything else (aside from the prescription stuff), and it has been proven to work in dental studies. You can get it at any department store or grocery store. Just swish it in your mouth and then don't eat or drink for 30 minutes...I do it before bed. Anyone who gets a lot of cavities despite proper dental maintenance should use it.


we used to have to do flouride at school. It was actually pretty cool. your parents signed a form that said "yes i want my child to do flouride" or "no i do not". Then every morning, our teacher would pass out the flouride to each child. It was in those little white cup things, and there was another one that you spit it out in... This was at a private shcool, though... glad our tuition went to good use!!!


Originally Posted by Michelle L
And, if you find that they don't have it in the water or you just want a little boost to your flouride, use ACT rinse (it's a flouride rinse, and it tastes good). My boss recommends it above everything else (aside from the prescription stuff), and it has been proven to work in dental studies. You can get it at any department store or grocery store. Just swish it in your mouth and then don't eat or drink for 30 minutes...I do it before bed. Anyone who gets a lot of cavities despite proper dental maintenance should use it.
That's good to know cause I always though that since it didn't get "into" your body that it didn't work!! I guess --- does though... cool, my 11 year old will be happy to hear it since he loves that stuff.

michelle l

Originally Posted by Tizzo
That's good to know cause I always though that since it didn't get "into" your body that it didn't work!! I guess --- does though... cool, my 11 year old will be happy to hear it since he loves that stuff.
Yeah, I didn't believe it worked either, until my boss (best dentist in our town, IMO...he's great) told me that it does. I figure, if he says it does, it must!!


Active Member
my dentist told me that the township's florinated water stained my teeth yellow. Is this bunk?
And BTW...that ACT stuff ROCKS.

michelle l

Mimzy, I've never heard of that, but I'll ask my boss what he thinks on Monday.
I would think that it would have more to do with heavy iron content in the water, rather than flouride. Otherwise, wouldn't everyone's teeth in the town be the same shade due to the water? Also, a more common culprit for staining is coffee, smoking, or dark colored sodas, if you are a heavy soda drinker.
If you want to try to whiten your teeth, you could try the Crest Whitestrips...they don't get your teeth as white as an in-office bleaching or a custom made bleach tray, but they really do work, for much less money. If you like the results and want to spend the $$, then you could go all-out with the in-office bleaching to bring them even lighter.


Active Member
Fluoridated water would not stain your teeth yellow. No way.
However, Pepsi, Coke, coffee, tea, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, a genetic predisposition or poor maintenance will definitely stain your teeth.
Fluoride is chemically incorporated into the molecular structure of the enamel of our teeth to make them more resistant to the acids that dissolve our teeth. These acids are directly from the food we eat and/or acids created by the bacteria in our mouths that eat the food that we leave in there.
Lots of good info in this article:
How Cavities and Fillings Work


Went in today and got a temporary crown. On January 16 I go in and get a permanent one. I had to sit there for close to three hours this time.