rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)


Active Member
i live on taravel too.... 45th actually, pricing is fair, but everywhere in the richmond basically blows them away
well im not in highschool... anymore, im going to city college..
guessing you take the L too, geez why would i need to switch buses on sunset, if it was just one bus that goes up and down taravel it would be faster
nope not yet, i have no job = no corals yet. Mushrooms, polyps i think are daisy, a lot of feather type macro
Your tank looks nice. It's got alot of green in it. I have more rock but not as much green. I am waiting for more growth to appear since the tank is only about 2.5 months old so it needs more time to mature. I battled algae blooms for the first half so it was very stressful for a while. I also lost some corals since the water was still very new and not stable yet due to mini-cycles. It's been steady the last 2.5 weeks so hopefully growth will appear.
I have had problems with my star polps not opening and think some of them are dying. Any suggestions?
Feather algae? what's that??? You should give me some. LOL


Active Member
yeah, i would hold off on buy anything right now, id probably wait a month or two for the tank to stabilize esp for coral, have you tried putting starpolyps in some low/med current and on the bottom of the tank?
Whats your test kit readings? how many times do you change the water and what water do use to change it with?
feather calupera, its like seaweed but its shaped like long thin feathers, helps the tank out but once its attached to a rock, your never getting rid of it. Macro can be used to filtrate the water but i wouldnt rely on it as a filter unless its in a refuge
i would gladly give you some if you want, wait a month or two and i'll give you some
do you have a picture of your tank?
where do you work? im looking for a job =)
Hey. That would be cool. I can use some feather calupera once my water stabilizes. As for my star polps, I already tried every place without success so I left them alone at the very top with moderate water flow and see what happens. I have close to 175watts of PC lighting going into a 29 gallon so it should be plenty. The star polps just looks like algae is growing over it but I tried to lightly brush some of per suggestion from another member but it didn't help.
As for water parameters--Ammonia is o, PH is 8.2, salinity is 1.23, nitrite is 0, phosphate is a little high at around .2-.5 and yes, I do use faucet water. RO is way too expensive for me. Actually, I top off with filter RO water from Safeway(Taraval) and they still have phosphate of .1 same as faucet water although my tank builds up over time until I do a water change. BTW...time to do one this weekend.
me? I work in Oakland so unless you want to travel like me...LOL.
How come you don't check out City College Career center for a job? If I can think of another place that might be hiring...I will send it your way to try out. Any skills?


Active Member
heh, nope no skills at all, i would work at city college if i had a car, but thats just too far for me to work, hopefully my friend will get me a job at blockbuster in irving soon
nitrates at 0, im not saying your lieing, but i think your test kit might be wrong, 0 nitrates are hard to come by without a refuge, dsb and a lot of live rocks
i would get another test kit and read the instructions carefully, i didnt read mines and i thought i had 0 nitrates, i actually had .25 ppm nitrates in my tank
No. I didn't say nitrates was 0..i said nitrites were 0. I need to buy a testing kit for nitrates but I can't believe it will be high since my cycle should be way done and over with by now. Maybe you are nitrates might have been high before which accounted for the algae bloom.
I will get a new kit this weekend and test it out.
Did you try Hollywood Video for a job...that one in it Ortega or something??? I forget. If anything, you can getting a job at have to much better than those guys I saw working on the tanks the other day. LOL
How about 6th ave? They can use some better customer service, right? Do you buy anything else besides crab from there?


Active Member
ohh, nitrates do not deminish like nitrite/ammonia after a cycle they tend to raise, that might be the cause for the star polyps not opening up
my friend worked at hollywood, he said it sucked and they paid minium
thanks for the complement, i would work at nippon if i could, but i dont think they are hiring plus i sometimes fell intimidated by them. The people at nippon seem to know everything from equipment to fish, and the same people work there all the time. I have no experience with freshwater also, so that would be difficult for me. Well it might have been that one day, all places have their good and bad days.
6th ave, i absolutely hate the workers there, im chinese and i hate those asians tring act like they are gangsters. They try to act "

", ive been there and done that. I guess only some people grow out of it. The store constantly plays Rap and HipHop, which makes me want to jam a screwdriver in my ear. Im a guy who likes Rock and being in that surrounding would drive me mad. i sometimes buy other things there like coral since its cheap. the bag sales, are alright as long as you go in the morning. Nothing really, i just go with my friend to buy things
I'm surprised 6th avenue even hires people, all the need is like a couple people to watch over since you get all your own stuff anyways. I got there on sunday, and also get some inverts and corals. I find Nippon to be just OK overall, prices are kinda high(possibly because in the city?). If you guys ever get over to the east bay check out Tropical Paradise in San Leandro and Aquarium Concepts in Hayward, although AC are hiring some people that shouldn't even be there frankly, imo. Oh yea don't bring sps frags for credit at AC, they will give you barely anything for it and their sps are like all brown, TP is definately the place for sps.
On Sunday you can buy fish and inverts still in their bags that they were shipped in. They float the bags in their tanks, you pick up what you want and buy them, there's prices marked on the bags. Some examples for prices are 8" green bird wrasse for $16, 4 or 6 clowns possibly in a bag, $12, they have different items from time to time. Also sometimes fire shrimp etc for $12, its not bad, certainly an interesting experience to say the least.
I think you have to pick very carefully on Sunday bag sales at 6th Ave Aquarium. I also go there to check out stuff when I have time but most of the get a "bad" fish along with a good fish. I got lucky with their bag of coral catfish but some of the other stuff was not great...didn't last beyond the night.
Corals. I would consider when they are healthy looking. Right now...their variety is somewhat limited and stuff on display is not looking right these days.
I heard about the place in Hayward and San Leandro. Pretty good, eh? I have to go visit the place on a free weekend or something. My brother in law took a video camera of that place with the huge tank with all the mushrooms, etc.


Active Member
its worth checking out atleast 2 times, because they have atleast 1 or 2 new things each time and you should go early because their new stuff is usually taken quickly, i hate to say it but DO NOT bring your kids, wife, baby if they are just going to get in the way, i cant say how many kids i almost kicked and how fustrated i was because some guy brought his wife and started chatting blocking me from getting something. Get what you think you might want and just decide if you want it or not after you are done with picking out bags, you might kick yourself for letting someone get that fish you really wanted.
Check if the fish are breathing right, if they are reacting to you and if they are discolored, inverts... if they move and are active i consider them healthy, for featherdusters hold them still and up to the light for a minute or two, they will come out as long as the bag is steady.
What ever you do, do not buy anything that isnt in a bag during the sale like fish/inverts that are in the tank, they are very stressed out and probably have ich, ive seen people try to get fish in the tanks, very big mistake, well i wouldnt buy fish from 6th ave to begin with, they will probably introduce ich into your tank because if you see one fish that has it, they all have it. Dont forget the water overflows from tank to tank spreading it further.
I agree with you. I admit I do bring my wife and daughter with me to 6th Avenue but they stay in the front of the store while I look around. When I find what I set out to look for, we go through it together away from the back.
I do get mad at the people who grab like 10-15 bags before going through their stuff. I see so many of those people now that I try not to go as much since these people are clearly being inconsiderate.
I do check the bags and make sure the fishes,etc are looking decent including no tail rot or ripped fins,etc. I have not bought a feather duster from them so I don't know the deal with that.
Yea especially the people in "groups" who just go in and grab all the bags, thats annoying. The place in San Leandro has cool sps frags and colonies from fiji, most frags are from local reefers. Also their fish are pretty good except for price sometimes. Aquarium Concepts in Hayward with the huge tank is ok too, more so for inverts and fish imo than the place in San Leandro. Both worth checking out though. I usually don't go for fish in the tanks btw at 6th, although I sometimes do, haven't had any problems yet, but I don't suggest doing what I do. have a green clown goby from there that I've had over a year and never gets sick, so it just all depends.


Active Member
I think I am going to check it out, see if my LFS guy is down there buying livestock(that would be funny). What would you do with a bag full of clown anyway?


Active Member
Hey whats wrong with getting a lot of bags? We're going to put some back anyways. What my friend did and im not advising you guys to do it, he stole bags, he would buy 3 bags of things and when they put all that in the pink bag, he would go back and put more bags into that bag. He said that the Metal Haildlies light is so bright they cant see anything anyways...
like i said im not advising you to do it, but if they really pissed you off, time to get even