rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)


Active Member
san francisco
just wondering, how old are you? im going to take a guess at 13, by the way you type your words, the way you spelled your name and the way you talk. Dont take it as a bad thing.
Im actually more mature when i talk normally like in person but when im here, its a totally different personality. I cant help it, I just like salt water!I hopeing to change my 300 Gallon FW tank into a reef tank soon :D :) :D :) :D


Active Member
geez i hope you dont go through that FOB phaze almost every asian goes through, ive been there and done that. Black jacket, dress shoes, white pants, black top, split long bangs. I had all that... it may seem cool at the time but you just realize your just another stereotypical asian guy
im pretty sure NewbieSaltTank seen those type of people on irving, squating like idiots and spitting all over the place while holding their cigarettes thinking they look tuff. they make sure to make that awful throat noise too. That way we know their REAL MEN.
I checked my Nitrate levels last night after running to my buddy at the Taraval Fish Store to see if you were right about my levels being high.'s hovering around 5-10 ppm for nitrate so I think those levels are somewhat acceptable considering I don't have a refegium. I only have a few fishes anyways...nothing bigger than a LM Blenny. Anyways, I smelled the star polp coral and it doesnt smell so I think it's still alive but's not looking pretty so I am at a loss for words on this puppy. hee hee
Yes, I do see those people on Irving, Clement and Chinatown who go around spitting all over the place acting bad. Granted...most of younger asians go through that "tough" stage where we act bad but we do grow out of it.
For me...I was talking about the people taking 10-15 bags of fishes and not buying the majority of them except to skim through them and keep other people from purchasing the bag they are looking for. Me? I take what I am looking for and if something looks neat...I ask other people if they know what the requirements are for before discussing it with the wife.


Active Member
thats great that your nitrates were so low, i dont know much about star polyps, sorry, did you try the low light thing on the bottom of the tank? i never got to know what type of lighting you have and how many watts you have.
heres some info i took from a website
Care Level: Easy
Light: Moderate to High
Water Flow: Medium to Strong
Placement: Middle to Top
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Color Form: Brown, Green, White
Dominance: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Ideal Supplements: Iodine, Trace Elements
Origin: Indonesia
Family: Clavulariidae
The Starburst Polyp Corals are also referred to as Star, Eight Tentacle, Mat, or Daisy Polyps. They are usually white or brown with a white dot in the center of each polyp, although, some more rare Starburst Polyps are green. The green specimens have been called Clavularia viridis; however, they are now identified as a Pachyclavularia sp. They have the distinctive eight-leaved tentacles on each polyp. They are colonial animals with several individual polyps attached to a piece of live rock.
Accurately described as an encrusting coral, Starburst Polyp Corals rapidly grow over adjacent rock work, coral, or even the glass of an established reef aquarium. They are a peaceful coral armed with the defensive capability of being able to retract or deflate each of their polyps in response to predation. They will not harm other corals that are placed close to their colony, but are susceptible to being damaged by any aggressive corals in the reef aquarium. They are easy to maintain in the reef aquarium and make an excellent candidate for the beginning through expert reef aquarist. They require a medium to high light level combined with a medium to strong water movement within the aquarium. For continued good health, they will also require the addition of iodine and other trace elements to the water.
The experienced hobbyist cultures the colony by taking a cutting from their encrusting base. The cutting is then glued to a hard substrate such as a rock or dead coral head.
The symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within their bodies provide the majority of their nutritional requirements through photosynthesis. They also benefit from weekly feedings of micro-plankton or foods designed for filter feeding invertebrates.
I know what you mean about guys taking 2 or3 baskets full and only buying one or two things
oK. Tank specs are as follows:
29 Gallons
2 PC Lighting Systems:
65 watts 50/50 Smart Lite AND
110 watts JBJ Light system with blue/white
I think I just got a bad batch of Star Polps from that store on Balboa although they could have damaged it when bagging it since I did go on the weekends when those two weird guys are there. Oh well...I will give it a while longer and see if any polps come out. It's a little disheartening since I only saw them for a couple of days.
You have any bad experiences with corals????
Some star polyps can be stubborn and not open up for weeks. Give them time, don't move it around too much, and they should settle in. Does it look like its shedding possibly? btw I don't know if you guys have heard about it, but people going into lfs with "big gulp's" from 7-11 and having a small bag of soda attatched to the lid, hiding some sw underneath and putting stuff like clams in there. Oh and I meant I didn't like that people would take like 20 bags just to have bags, then look through and put back all and leave with like 1 or 2. Hey you guys btw have any corals to trade? Ricordia, sps, zoos, that sorta thing?
I havent heard of that 7 eleven thing but nothing people do surprises me these days. I think they give sw people a bad name.
As for trading, I am actually purchasing those corals off you. LOL Are you heading into SF this weekend? I am looking forward to the Xenia,etc. I will be working on getting some more frags from my brother-in-law who had a mature 120 gallon going right now and see if he has anything that he might want to trade. I think his friends might have some...let you know by email if they do. What are you looking for specifically?
I hope you are right about the Star Polps. THey are starting to shed---is that a bad sign? I know my water parameters are fine when Entice was asking about them so maybe it will take more time or if bad luck, I just got a bad rock from Balboa.
lol yea I know, just seeing in case anybody was interested. All i have now though are zoos and xenia. Just looking for cool interesting stuff that's not too common, like encrusting montiporas, blue ricordia, blastomussa, yellow leathers, etc. btw you said it would be possible to meet up in Oakland?
Hey. Yeah, we can meet in Oakland if you can make it to my work place. I will send you an email to see if that is better or stick with our original plan of meeting in San Francisco.


Active Member
i might consider getting some zoo's and blue ricordia, if the price is right =). If you come to sf, me and my friends might buy some things but i'll have to see, school is starting up for me next tuesday
I have some zoos left, but the ricordia I am looking for blue ones, I don't have any for sale. I do have some orange with green mouth, neon green with pink mouth, orange/blue with green mouth, and turquoise ricordea floridea that I am going to start propagating. Hey newbiesalttank, I don't think I'll be able to go in SF this weekend, maybe next weekend, still not sure. I think Oakland would be best, and I'll see when I can get over there.
Oh. That's too bad about this weekend but let's play it by ear. If you are in Oakland next week during the day...let me know the day before and I will make arrangements or something. I should be in the office all next week except monday and wednesday.
If not, we can meet the following weekend in SF if you are in the area. I appreciate you taking time to meet up.