Royal Gramma question


Royal Grammas are relatively shy and do tend to hide in the rock - particularly when there is sudden movement around the tank. Many will grow accustomed to your presence and stay out most of the time - give it some time and frequent visits moving slowly around it.


yeah they like to hide in the rock, mine darts in when you walk by the tank or turn the lights on or off. He does come out and play all the time though, very nice fish.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by stumpyfish
yeah they like to hide in the rock, mine darts in when you walk by the tank or turn the lights on or off. He does come out and play all the time though, very nice fish.
Would you say they spend more time hiding out than swimming?


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
Would you say they spend more time hiding out than swimming?
Mine is half and half. They like to hang upside down and standing on their head.


Originally Posted by salty blues
Would you say they spend more time hiding out than swimming?
they do hide alot but never for very long, mine likes to follow the clownfish around when hes out for a swim. But yeah I'd say its half and half


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
They like to hang upside down and standing on their head.

Mine is no acrobat like yours. That is fantastic.


Mine is now out most of the time - but as i said before any sudden movement or anything he darts into his hole and will sit there with his head sticking out until he feels safe again.

salty blues

Active Member
I am looking for a peaceful reef safe fish for a 37 gal that likes to swim in and out of the rocks. I don't want a fish that stays hidden most of the time, so I am interested in the RG.


My Royal Gramma started out as a hider. After a few months he started to act just like the clown fish. He has been a great fish for two years. I have a 130 gallon and only have 7 fish. So no one is over crowded.


A Royal Gramma does exactly what you want....swims in and out of the rock, likes caves and plenty of holes in the rock. Will hide if it gets spooked but will typically make itself visible most of the time. Nice reef fish, but will get territorial if crowded. It will chase others away from it's "spot". mine has found a cave it likes in the tank that it swims in at night and will sit in there upside down. Seems pretty hardy and is one of my favorite fish.


Active Member
Mine pretty much hides all the time, but he's the smallest fish in the tank, so its kind of understood.
He also tends to swim with his eyes on the top/bottom of his body instead of the sides. I think he's a rebel, refusing to conform to society's idea of orientation.


Mine stayed completely hidden for the first few days and then he slowly started coming out more and more. I'd say he spends about 70% in plain sight and 30% in the rock. He usually will pop out every couple of minutes though. A really beautiful fish plus he gets along well with my two clowns.


i think i'm pretty lucky cause my royal gramma is always out in the open. i have him in my 29 reef that has plenty of hiding places so he probably feels secure in the tank. the fish i have him with is a fang blenny, skunk clown and a neon goby. doesn't seem to be afraid of anything.


Have to say the same as Dinki. 1st couple wouldn't come out to eat except for a few secs to eat then after about a week it came out more and more and now is about 70% out 30% hidding. Good luck


Active Member
royal gramma is prety cool. i hv one in both of my tank. the 1st few weeks, they will hide. but eventually they will come out more often.
mine comes out when i feed. sometimes he will eat pellets out of my hand when i spot feed my brittle. he always hides in the LR cuz of the bully tomato that i have