Rtspeed's biocube


Originally Posted by Johnny&Sin
Wow your tank looks great! I have a 12 gallon and I am having trouble keeping fish alive... I lost a clown and a few damsels...

The only thing that is high is my alkalinity and it is through the roof... I did a 50% water change the other day but it's still high... what could it be? How do I get it down?
Just keep up on the water changes and check you new salt mix for high alk.
Originally Posted by PerfectDark

What is the orange branching coral in your tank? It looks like it could be a type of gorgonian but I am not sure.. I love it though and I have a spot for somthing like that in my tank. VERY NICE...!!!
If your talking about the one in the front corner, i never had a exact name on it til the other day and i love it as well, the polyps on it get so blue during the day, and get all white at night.
Its a blue bali gorgonian.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rtspeed
Just keep up on the water changes and check you new salt mix for high alk.
If your talking about the one in the front corner, i never had a exact name on it til the other day and i love it as well, the polyps on it get so blue during the day, and get all white at night.
Its a blue bali gorgonian.
REALLY!! Ohhh I am gonna have to look that one up... Awesome !!
I was trying to ID it off of your description and it was very difficult. I googled the name you gave and I got nothing. LOL... any way for FYI I did some investigating and the common name is Corky Sea Finger, indeed a gorgonian species, AKA Briareum asbestinum, and they come in Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Purple... you have one of the nicer colors... I cant find them anywhere for sale.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
REALLY!! Ohhh I am gonna have to look that one up... Awesome !!
I was trying to ID it off of your description and it was very difficult. I googled the name you gave and I got nothing. LOL... any way for FYI I did some investigating and the common name is Corky Sea Finger, indeed a gorgonian species, AKA Briareum asbestinum, and they come in Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Purple... you have one of the nicer colors... I cant find them anywhere for sale.

Well everywhere i have seen it it is reffered to as a blue gorgonian, and i know 1 site that has them but there out of stock right now, ialso could pick one up for you a my LFS gets them in alot and many different shades also.


Originally Posted by MaTT B
AMAZING biocube! This almost beats kats

Ummmm.... thanks, Matt, (my son)
but this one certainly beats mine!~

and I believe that you and PD are talking about 2 different things...
PD is talking about the orange tree sponge looking coral a little above the blue bali seafan/gorgonian/blueberry gorgonian, midway up on the right. The one with 3 branch looking things on it. Correct me if I'm wrong, PD...


Active Member
Yep your right.. I did see the blueberry gorgonian at the bottom right hand corner of your tank. I was referring to this thing here that I circled... hope you dont mind I swiped your pic for refrence... LOL.


try to find a blue leg hermit that will take care of it, i have one and done reading on it that they provide each other with food.





..... just checking to see if you had posted pics of your new acans and sun coral.


Originally Posted by KAT74



..... just checking to see if you had posted pics of your new acans and sun coral.

I wasn't happy with the acans in the nano so there in the 150 now, but the sun corals will have there own pic soon. I need to get my camera back.
I am also taking suggestion on what people would like to see in here now, i still have lots of room.lol


Originally Posted by rtspeed
not a problem at all.
I am getting a biocube for my 1st tank and love you set up... the rocks/coral look like elite aquariums...
what exactly makes up the tank? which coral and rock? thanks... if you dont mind i am modeling a tank similar to yours...thanks!


Okay here is the tank and setup.
29 gal bio cube
oceanic protien skimmer
Carbon bag in second chamber with filter floss
Bio balls removed
Pump return line has a ball valve inline of the return for water metering
Dual return nozzles
1 Hydro korila powerhead
30 lbs of live sand
48 lbs of live rock
1 Carpenters Warrse
1 Clarki Clown
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Scooter Blenny
3 Fire Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
5 Turbo Snail
6 Cert Snail
2 Star Snail
3 Nass Snails
Hermit Crabs
10 electric blues
10 blue leg
10 scarlets
25 red legs.
2 Feather Dusters
1 Blue Bali Gorgonian
Red Finger Sponge
4 Rock Flower anomones
Chile Coral
Different Zoos
Sun Coral
Torch Coral
Frogspawn 4 heads
Frogspawn Branching Fragged into 2 pieces
Green Bubble Coral
Lime Green and Jade Trumpet Coral, 22 heads in all
Purple Rose Bud Brain Coral
Green Frilly Mushrooms 18
Blue Stripe Mushrooms
4 Head Moniporia
3 Pink Yumas
The Leather Coral Was Eaten by a pain Mantis Shrimp, So I Replaced it with A Cup Coral.


Originally Posted by dmcrete
Be careful,
DKFLOYD is a bad risk, So be careful selling to her, she lost me money in a sale on this site, i notified a mod, on this site, BuT, they cant do anything , SO just be WARNED dkfloyd, is a risk!
thanks for listening DENNIS
LIAR. Ask him why his membership was almost banned from this site!!
I also just purchased stuff from two other members on here with no problems at all, one being Don Lino.
I am not going to start this up again and go through this harassment by Dennis, but there are two sides.
Again, very beautiful tank.