Rush Limbaugh, the original American Idiot.


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/396747/rush-limbaugh-the-original-american-idiot/200#post_3536482
You're right. It is time time for people to start taking responsibility for their actions.
I have no desire to purchase that cheap dog food brand of health care. If I want real health care then I'll pay for it at full asking price so that you can't say conservatives didn't try.
But I won't take another dime from tax payers until we see some real responsibility and reform on the part of the people doing the begging in this country.
Read the extensive document Darth posted regarding Welfare and those that subsist on that program. As he stated, it is the best and most comprehensive document I've seen regarding that contentious issue.


Well-Known Member
Read the extensive document Darth posted regarding Welfare and those that subsist on that program.  As he stated, it is the best and most comprehensive document I've seen regarding that contentious issue.
What does it have to do with the, ACA? I simply want to see the fat cut out of these programs. I never said anything about ending all assistance. The programs are bloated with people who don't necessarily need to be there. And keeping them there doesn't necessarily help them.


Staff member
Originally Posted by beaslbob http:///t/396747/rush-limbaugh-the-original-american-idiot/220#post_3536527
Obama care is a welfare program.
It is indeed, until you reach the point that you don't get a subsidy and then you are paying for your ins and all the people getting subsidies. Also, most welfare programs are not compulsory. This is! Honestly, I don't see this program being sustainable as it is now. There will need to be additional tax monies going to support the subsidies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AggieAlum http:///t/396747/rush-limbaugh-the-original-american-idiot/200#post_3536478
Originally Posted by Phixer
Where do you get this stuff from... the media? You have got to be the most misguided, hypocritical and "cherry picking' individual around here. You hate guns but still feel the need to own them. You condem the role of charity within the church yet fail to realize it is the church that has provided more charity and humanitarian assistance than any other organization to date. This is the role of the church not big brother. You despise it because you have no moral code and the church will not bend to accept your liberal agenda. Charity is the churches role, not the governments. You denegrate this country but you fail to leave it. Health care is not the role of government either. Why battered womens and not domestic violence in general? Thats biased, many men are victims of domestic violence also but have no where near the same support network? Texas must be hell for you, France would be a utopia for a liberal feminist such as yourself.
You sound like that idiot preacher in San Antonio John Hagee that runs that megachurch there. He made some ignorant statement that if Atheist didn't believe in God, and since this country was based on Christian principles, they should all pack up and leave the country. I don't allow anyone to guide me or my beliefs but myself. I don't agree with churches who force their patrons to hand them over their personal income simply because they want some sort of spiritual relief, regardless of where they use the money. Batter Women's is just one organizxation of many that I donate to. Yes, I also donate to organization that assist with domestic violence in general, including children. Denigrate this country? Look in the mirror if you want to see someone whose misguided and hypocritical. You don't bring anything to the argument and conversation but childish insults. Liberal feminist? That's a new one. You and Phil must be brothers. Do you also take his advise that men should be marrying those 15 and 16 year olds?
Thats nice...ever consider decaf?


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/396747/rush-limbaugh-the-original-american-idiot/200#post_3536498
What does it have to do with the, ACA? I simply want to see the fat cut out of these programs. I never said anything about ending all assistance. The programs are bloated with people who don't necessarily need to be there. And keeping them there doesn't necessarily help them.
You stated this -

"But I won't take another dime from tax payers until we see some real responsibility and reform on the part of the people doing the begging in this country."

What does "people doing the begging in this country" have to do with ACA?

"Cheap dog food for healthcare"? These "cheap healthcare" plans are with the same providers you want to pay full price for. So you pay for a Lexus instead of a Toyota Camry just because you can afford it, even though they're both simply modes of transportation? Conservatives had 8 years to come up with SOME form of healthcare reform when Bush was in office, and they did nothing but pander and ignore it. They lambast ACA, yet their Presidential candidate implemented an almost identical program in his home state of Massachusetts.


Well-Known Member
Quote:Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/396747/rush-limbaugh-the-original-american-idiot/200#post_3536498
What does it have to do with the, ACA? I simply want to see the fat cut out of these programs. I never said anything about ending all assistance. The programs are bloated with people who don't necessarily need to be there. And keeping them there doesn't necessarily help them.

Obama care is a welfare program.
All I can hope for is that for those who go on it actually fare well. I've been paying taxes on my own for 20 years now. Individually, and at a pretty fair rate for the American People. My wife and I have been considered common law for many years but finally legalized our marriage last year. This year we will file as one and claim our new house for every tax benefit we can possibly squeeze. These horses are tired too and ready for little relief as well.


Well-Known Member
It's not the same health care Aggie. You'd realize this once you've lost the option to going to your favorite doctor because they aren't included in the exchange networks. There's a shortage of doctors and endless waits as it is. You want to wait that long in hopes you might end up with a doctor you're happy with? Good luck with that down here.
Edit: If you must know, we don't even qualify for subsities because we're slightly above the mark. We are not the ones who get access to the cheaper plans. So we found a good deal through an agent on the second to best plan available for me and one of thee best for my wife. We didn't have much option if we wanted something decent and practical. And if we did go through the exchanges my wife would have lost her doctor.


Active Member
"Obama care is a welfare program".

I would have to agree that liberals do love the poor, after all they create thousands each year.


Staff member
There really is no exchange network of providers. What is happening is that small private insurances are deciding that they can't remain profitable under the new coverages mandated by Obamacare so they are not offering ins. anymore. This leaves people wo ins. They have to look for alternative ins. They can do that wo Obamacare if they so choose another health ins. company, but they would not benefit from the subsidies. They weren't getting subsidies to begin with prior to 2014! So, they could just call their doctor to see what ins. companies that doctor accepts and then purchase a plan from that list--it doesn't have to be Obamacare. The exchange offers private health ins as well from companies that are willing to comply with all of the Obamacare madates and who are interested in joining the exchange. The only difference between the ins. companies on the exchange and those who are not on the exchange is that ins through the exchange ins companies can get reimbursement via the government.


Well-Known Member
Aparently the only "good doctor" that my wife has been able to find down here over the last 5 years wants nothing to do with the exchanges so we were left with not much option when it came to what we felt would be quality care for her.
We could have continued to pay out of pocket which was cheaper than what we payed for her care before but what's the point in that when you have to pay for ins. anyway? We would have saved nothing going through the exchanges. I guess we haven't worked hard enough yet to get any benefits for ourselves.
I already had a plan previously so nothing really changed for me or my major medical. My wife couldn't get access before and now she can. Yes, we are going to take advantage while we can. But it doesn't mean that I feel like the ACA was a good idea to implement at this point in time for the strength of our nation. I feel like its just going to perpetuate this cycle of dependency that we've fallen into so that some could get the immediate relief that they desire. Like a drug addict needing their fix. Its great until it wears off and then you begin to crave more and more of it.


Staff member
Are you sure that your wife's doctor is not already a participant in one of the exchange's plans? Or did he just say I don't want to be involved with the exchange?

For instance, BCBS is my insurance through private pay. However, BCBS is also on the exchange in my state. BCBS is still a private sector insurer and offers plans to people on their own, through group coverage, as well as through the exchange Their medical providers are still the same. A doctor not wanting to participate in the exchange has nothing to do with anything. No one asks a doctor if they wish to participate. They are either provider for a particular ins co., or not, regardless if that ins co is also on the exchange.


Well-Known Member
He wasn't on list of choices when my wife was shopping around. He might have been had we opted for blue cross blue sheild. But a major medical plan through them would have cost $500 for me alone and hers would have doubled what we are paying for her now which is more than we are paying for me. Again, we make just enough not to qualify for the breaks.