Rushed in, what can I do?


I got a 50 gallon saltwater tank setup a few days ago. I got it all set up and was very excited so I picked up three fish from the LFS - one clow, one damsel, one cardinal. Everything was fine for a few days and then out of nowhere my clown died.
After reading a ton of stuff on here about cycling, I realize I missed that completely. Problem is, I have a rather large order of fish and liverock already coming. I ordered it here. I want to figure out what I can do to minimize the casualties when all my stuff arrives.
I have coming:
25lbs live rock,
1 clown
2 yellow tangs
3 green chromis
1 blenny
1 conch
1 shrimp
and some crabs, clams, and snails
I probably over did it. Got excited and rushed in, but I just want some advice on what do to keep them alive through the cycle.


I would, but I ordered it Sunday and it already says processing. Which means I can't change the order. The live rock shipped yesterday and the rest of it should ship today.


Active Member
Hmm... ok, plan B.
You're going to need a QT tank anyway so go to the nearest Wal Mart and pick up a 20 gallon tank. Do a search on this forum for the best set ups for quarantine tanks. Place your livestock in that tank (and be prepared to do water changes every day on it or the ammonia is going to wipe out everything).
Put your live rock in the tank and let it cycle.
Be sure you are using RO/DI water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crmaykish
I got a 50 gallon saltwater tank setup a few days ago.
I have coming:
2 yellow tangs

And from what I have read and seen a 50 gallon is too small for one yellow tang, let alone two....these fish need lots of swimming space. I am guilty of having one also in a 50 gallon, but the kids and wife came home with one as a surprise. He is going well in it, but I am also going to be setting up a 135 gallon in the upcoming like Goerge and Weezy....he is moving on up.....good luck with your order and hopefully it isn't too bad.....


Okay, live rock goes in big tank with two remaining fish? and all other in QT? Isn't that overcrowded? And what about the inverts?


If they wont cancel, ask them to hold shipping for 3 months everything but the live rock.
I promise you a minimum of 90%+ death if you don't.
You definitely jumped in.
You need lots of patience if you want this to work. There is no "cheating" in reefing.
Plus a few of your choices, will cause some conflicts in the future. For instance damsels eventually will mature, pick a cave, line it with algae, then fight to the death anything that comes near it, even if its 100 times its size.
Everything must be done slow in reefing. So to start, lets get you some rock in the tank about a lbs. per gallon.
Also tell us what you have, tank, stand, what about lights, skimmer, heater, ect whats under the hood?
I am a huge avocate of helping new guys as well I've been one and spent thousands of dollars to much then I got some help and actually started from scratch bought everything over and now finally have a great reef.
I'd be happy to walk you through step by step on how to set up, cycle, and what you might want to buy, let me know.


I am quite sure everything ships today.
As far as equipment goes:
50 gallon tank
layer of crushed coral
layer of live sand
200w heater (set to 76 but keeps it 78)
whisper powerfilter 330 gph (two biobags and all that)
two powerheads (one on each side) connected to an undergravel filter
lights are flourescent and came with the hood.


you my friend are in quite a pridicament. (sp?) all I can say is read up some more, listen to ppl here and take ur time. oh and good luck with the stuff surviving.


Active Member
You might want to pick up one of those ammonia indicators that suction cups onto the inside of the tank. Once you see it go into alert status do another water change of about 20% and always keep water ready. I did that with a fish I had put in QT because the fish came to me to big for my small 6 gallon QT so I had to purchase another QT of larger size. I changed the water everytime that indicator changed. The fish never seemed to stress over it. I did add a product called "Cycle" but not to make the tank cycle faster, more for the slime coat it would help the fish with. I think it more helped soften the blow to the fish since it seemed to be weak cycle. At this time the fish is in the DT and healthy as all get up. Also make sure to not overfeed them if you go the QT route. Good Luck!!


You need to find someone ore someplace to keep your fish untill you understand what is required to keep them yourself. I should be about three months before you think about putting any fish in your tank.


Thanks for all the input, guys.
I am going to pick up a QT tank. Am I gonna need another filter for it or should I use some live rock?

el bob

omg, i am sorry, no matter what we tell u, most of ur stuff will die, ur conch cant live on cc and ur tangs will kill each other, the damsel will try to kill everyone and beyond the fish compatibality problems, ur water is no where near ready. u need to find someone in ur area like now and make friends with them and se if they will take the fish for u for a while, make sure they have a large stable tank. sorry for the harsh criticisms but, what most likely is going to happen is you are going to kill everything.


Active Member
U really shouldnt Mix CC and LS. One of the other. Most Prefer the sand. Filter Bag Filters are outdated for a system with that many fish. Undergravel filter systems are also out of the question anymore.


I am not sure a QT will help you here. You would need to water changes on the QT every day to keep the ammonia out of it. You are then just replacing your display with a QT. Don't add anythink like LR to the QT. Are you ready to replace 20g of water every day for 2 or 3 months while your tank cycles?


First of all your filter you already have wont work at all. Thats a great filter for say fresh water guppy tank but you need a filter system with a trickle of water that flows over a prefilter, then me live rock rubble, then a heater, then a protein skimmer.
Theres a bunch of variets on how to achieve this but right now your putting the cart before the horse and you haven't even seen the horse yet.
You cannot have a marine tank with a protien skimmer unless you just plan on spending a ton of money on saltwater every few days.
I think you need to call and tell them to stop order, you should of done it the first second you got the first response. Or next week we will be consoleing you on your first tank crash.
So here it is you need a complete filter system first, then live rock, then wait 2 months, and learn how to test your water every few days.
Then once you got that all done, buy 1 fish per month maximum, doing water changes everytime your nitrate reaches 10 to 20 max.
Then in 6 months come back and tell us how things are going and we can talk about what fish to add.


Active Member
The display tank, with uncured live rock, should cure in 3-4 weeks if the rock is scrubbed good to remove excess dead material before it is put in the tank.
Remove the CC.
Tank is too small for the fish you've ordered.
A QT tank is a bad solution, but it's the only one I see. Better to do a water change in a 20 gallon every day than a 50.
Another possible soultion would be to take your fish to the local fish store and ask id they will house them for you...