Sad, SAD Day


Active Member
Well, last night I got a call about 9 pm. And it was not good news. Unfortuantely the place that I work at had lost power sometime yesterday afternoon.:(
And we have 3 salt tanks they're(all my projects. Well, I am sure you guys can figure out where this is going. Today the power is still off and may not be on til saturday sometime, fromw what they tell me. So right now, I am expecting to go in and find 3 tanks fishless tomorrow morning. Unfortunately this I have no control over, and cannot get a generator, since it is not my place, I wont' buy one for them to have. I have however tried everyone that I know, and every rental shop around. And I am sure you have guessed it, nobody has any left. Our state, as of last night had 80, 000 without power. and this was not a major storm by any account. Just too much weight on too many lines and such.
Currently, I have only lost 1 jeweled damsel(which we were gonna trade anyhow). But I do expect the losses to be compounded by morning. NO heat and no power for about 36 hrs so far,
Well , sorry to bend your ears, but I am just greiving, for the loss so far and what is to happen. I actually wish I could bring them home and take tehm back once it is going again, but I fear that it would be a major clash of aggresion and problems wth my fish at home, and my q tank is currently occupied with a few new members.


Active Member
yellow tang
asorted damsels( my boss wanted a damsel tank, she thinks they are pretty)
mandarin goby
2 cleaner shrimp, many many crabs
orange linkia starfish
royal gramma,
star polyps,
a couple of corals, that I cannot name
feather dusters, shaving brushes,
lots of rock(which i am not too worriedd about),
flame scallops,
and of course snails
coral beauty,
fighting conchs,
and a purple firefish
One thing that I am happy about, is that the one tank was basically bare, only had one mushroom, LR and the jeweled damsel, who wwas going to be moving, for this tank is almost ready(by my expectations) to become a seahorse tank
when I left this afternoon, the temp in the store was 48 F
NOT looking promising at all, the fish were acting sluggish(hopefully this is all, just sluggish) and the corals were kinda shriveled up. I am by no means a pessimist, but reality has finally set in here and I am not expecting too much. HOPING< but not expecting.
:( :( :(
Just tanks in my care, fortunately, tehy were mostly paid for by the Corporation, some i bought, but most i did not)


New Member
well the budget issue was good atleast.
So you have no power???
Well if i was in your situation i would seriously take action and not just sit there. I'd pop some candles around that tank and try to atleast keep it warm somehow.
Well if there's no power...........................hmm.................think for a sec elvis............ I'd pop a car battery by the tank and pop some halogens an keep that sucker warm, if the battery is low, pop it on the car, generate it up, use it again. I would never jsut let those things die, i'd try as hard as i could, i wouldn't just give up, no matter how dumb this stuff would seem.
This is just "my idea" I hope something happens soon.
Well while you are at the car battery idea, might as well pop the heater for the tank to it.
situations like these the options you have are very limited. If you have access to the tanks go and take a few trash cans with old clothes and gasoline, then fire it up next to the tanks and just pray for hope


Active Member
you are way to funny, your ideas as usual, almost make sense, but not reality.
TElling me that you would not just sit around, I spent 7 hrs in there today, with no lights, doing what i could! blankets, and using battery back ups to try and give it a few more minutes, hoping that would carry them a few more hrs, esp the 55 reef!
I went out and bought 7 battery powered air pumps, to give them some aeration, and a little movement. PUT kerosene heaters in the room directly beneath and next to that office!
actually used dishes to move some water around, from time to time.
ever spend 7 hrs in 40's degree weather, no light, and hands in a fish tank before???!!!!
I DID! not to mention that I keep going back, every couple of hours to check on things and hope for power.
now, shy of trying to pul my car inside of a building that I could nto get close enought to, I have done more than many of us would.
36 hrs and only one loss??? I gave UP my christmas dinner and S#I*!!
Had I not, I can assure you that I would more than likely have lost more by now. Right now, the casualties are 1.5 one fish and my wife(severely pissed)
Not to mention that these pumps are for 110 volts, not 12 volts. I do realize a converter can be used, but for one battery or 2, since they cost several bucks each plus a converter, It is more to my favor to keep trying to use and charge up the b-ups at home and rotate them, when I can. LEt us not also forget, this is not my home, where I have the liberty of being there for 3 days on end, if need be. This is a place that I love to work at, but am not spending overnite, with those temps, no heat or light or anybody to talk to. I am going home(actually there now) at night.
So, INvader, not that your suggestions may not be appreciated, but think them through and think that Had I not cared, I would not have tried and or posted this. So, apparently I do care, and do not want to hear, anything that may even resemble my sitting on my A$$ palying twiddle


Active Member
test and hope that any deaths do not cause too much of an ammonia spike
then restock. I already have the go ahead, but it just sux, since these things are not built overnite. I move even more slowly than most of us. And you do get attached ot them.
suggest your boss a small generator, just enough to power the tanks, and heaters. because I know that you dont want the same thing to happen again, which would suck if it did. Any way good luck, I gotta go!
The company may have bought the tanks and the livestock , But it was you who probaly spent alot of your time, worry and sweat setting them up and getting them going. In a sense they are "your tanks " they just are not at home for you you to look at.
But don't be down on your self, because you have done alot more than alot of people would have for a "company project".
That alone demands a little respect in itself. Also to the dedication to the animals in your care and to the hobbie :) Who knows maybe Fate will give you a break and the power will be restored sooner than expected. But all in all, I hope it gets better for you and your tanks.


when we had a bad ice storm my power was out for about 48 hours. what i did to keep the temp up was i took milk jugs and filled them with the hottest water i could get without boiling it. and i floated them i put 2 jugs in my 55, and refilled them with hot water about every 4 hours. i didnt loose a thing. the heat is the main thing to worry about. filtration will be okay for a lot longer that without no heat. but if the tank is larger id use more jugs floating. but that just what i had to do.
hope u make it through it.


Staff member
Bad luck, Fsh. :( I had the power off for wk in my house during Hurricane Georges. I thought for sure all my fish would die. At that time I had a FO. But, I had prepared for the storm somewhat, because we had warnings that it was coming. I managed to put in several battery operated airstone pumps, and it worked!! All lived and the tank was fine.
This was on a 72gal, so it wasn't a small tank. I had to change out batteries about every 7 hrs, but it worked. Of course, that won't address cold.


Active Member
Just a though, but would it be possible for you to transfer the livestock to some containers, and move them to someplace where there is power?


Snakes'n'fish hit my thoughts exactly on the head.
Maybe with the cost of re-stocking, the company will see this as an oppurtunity to buy a generator.
Good luck and I do hope it all comes out well for you.
I do like the method StacyT posted. Sounds the best if you could transfer everything to a tub then your house.
You know what is going on better than us, so take our advice as it is....advice.
Take care....Mark


New Member
I wasn't saying anything about you sitting on you a$$ all day. I was trying to help. I just have an imaginative mind. Anyone could probabl tell that if they were in your situation, they'd do everything they could.
I'm sure that you spend a lot of time next to it, who wouldn't??
BEst of Luck to you.
(man, this is where solar power comes useful:D )


Staff member

Originally posted by InvaderZim
Well if i was in your situation i would seriously take action and not just sit there. ...
I would never jsut let those things die, i'd try as hard as i could, i wouldn't just give up, no matter how dumb this stuff would seem.

Invader, I'm sure you didn't mean to be harsh with your comments, but some of what you said did come off that way. I'm glad you didn't mean it the way it sounded.


Active Member
zim shut your mouth k? BTW, your ideas wouldnt do jack-
Also you seem to give everyone else negative advice- are you just mean? I never hear you say anything posative- Praise the day when you grow up- or get kicked
Hub- sorry to hear man- happened to me last year but i had a generator. not much you can do except what you are doing


New Member
I didn't mean for that to come out like that kickster. You shut up. Goodness. I ment that in first person. Meaning that If it was in my posittion I'd do that. It wasn't third person omniscient. If it was then It would be mean. Sheesh.
Hey kickster, what would you do in that situation?? ROll a blanket over the tank???