


that tank is not that terribly small. The grouper is big, but is a slow moving fish and the shark looks to be in good health.


New Member
2000 gallons sounds like alot but for 2 sharks and a big grouper ( thinking ) thats just torture. Some People just dont really know what they are doing when it comes to this hobby. By the way I love your little nemo. Cutie


Active Member
There is more than 2 sharks in there, the tank contains: 2 whitetip reef sharks, wobbygong, blacktip reef shark, a huge green moray, a giant grouper, and a few blue damsels.


i think the blue damsels are ment to be food. Man that sucks. Those white tip reef sharks get upt to 6' long. I have caught one that big before!


Wow! I will never buy from big als again! I've placed a few orders with them but never again, that just pisses me off


Active Member
um... i see the sign, but i highly doubt that tanks 2000 gallons. look how big the paper is in comparison to the tank.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
um... i see the sign, but i highly doubt that tanks 2000 gallons. look how big the paper is in comparison to the tank.
!! look how wide the tnak is, im sure its 2000gallons.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
um... i see the sign, but i highly doubt that tanks 2000 gallons. look how big the paper is in comparison to the tank.
!! look how wide the tank is, im sure its 2000gallons.


Active Member
it is definitly 2000 gallons. IF you look at the tank or see the videos of it, the tank is shaped like a piano. The far left side of the tank is very wide. It is not a rectangle.


Active Member
Does the big grouper live in that tank permanently? I've seen some of the Big Al's "shark tanks" and they usually aren't overcrowded. (We have a couple of them in Vancouver) Or maybe the picture isn't showing us everything.
The damsels that live in the rocks aren't food, the ones I've seen dart in and out of the rocks and look quite mature. I've asked about them and the employees said it's very rare to lose one, they'rwe not stupid and the big fish are well fed.
Not really "defending" just trying to add to the facts :)


Active Member
maybe it's the angle but it doesnt look like 2,000 to me, just by looking at the guy in the background. At most it looks to be 10' long, I would think it would have to be much taller to be 2,000


Active Member
look at the blue chromis in the tank for comparison to the fish in the tank and then compare them to the tank .
you figgure that little blue dot is a fish maybe about 2-3 inches long then compare to the grouper that my guess is a queensland grouper and is maybe about 3 foot and as big around as a basketball . Then compare that to the fact that its not but maybe a 4th oth the height of the tank .
Or compare the tank to the size of the paper on the tank that 8x12 . that tank is big for sure