Saddam Hussein Hung!


Active Member
Well If you dont know by now they have hung Saddam Hussein for crimes against humanity. It is said that when it was done civilians were dancing and singing around his dead body. How do you guys feel about this? I feel that this needed to be done. Also that it was better done over there in his own country for the people he tortured to see him die. Opinions?


Active Member
First off...
Not 'hung'.
My opinions?
I think that life in prison should have been the penalty. Yes, I'm aware he butchered his own people and whatnot, but what's the punishment in death? I'd rather someone live out the rest of their lives almost miserably.
For the Bible thumpers out there, all I can say is that 'an eye for an eye' is old testament.
As a Christian, we should be more kind to EVERYONE. I kind of felt sorry for the guy... But hey, I'm soft hearted, what can I say?


Active Member
I feel that life in prison might not have been suffice. Id imagine that he would probably have died in life in jail in his own country. being with the same people that he tortured for so long.
Honestly I dont feel bad for the guy at all, he killed and tortured countless numbers of people for a long time, but now thats all over.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
First off...
Not 'hung'.
My opinions?
I think that life in prison should have been the penalty. Yes, I'm aware he butchered his own people and whatnot, but what's the punishment in death? I'd rather someone live out the rest of their lives almost miserably.
For the Bible thumpers out there, all I can say is that 'an eye for an eye' is old testament.
As a Christian, we should be more kind to EVERYONE. I kind of felt sorry for the guy... But hey, I'm soft hearted, what can I say?

Life in prison for what !?!? So he could later on be aquited of all charges? Or so he could order radicals to keep fighting for his sake! BS! Im personally happy he was hanged till his feet quit kickin. The should of beheaded his ass afterwards and stuck on top of the american flag flagpole

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Life in prison for what !?!? So he could later on be aquited of all charges? Or so he could order radicals to keep fighting for his sake! BS! Im personally happy he was hanged till his feet quit kickin. The should of beheaded his ass afterwards and stuck on top of the american flag flagpole



Active Member
my dad said they should tie him to the back of an american hummer and drag him through the streets alive and let all the civilians beat on him etc. lol


According to Scripture, there are times when death is acceptable, though not desirable. For instance, the Bible seems to make allowances for self-defense and capital punishment. *Whoever sheds blood, by man his blood shall be shed" (Genesis 9.6) *For (the governing authority) is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil" (Romans 13:4)
I used to be totally against capital punishment. Yea, I know your probably saying "what about the commandment "You shall not murder" Well, this commandment forbids the taking of another human life for no justifiable reason.
This is just my view... Don't hate me!!!


Originally Posted by Oceanists
Life in prison for what !?!? So he could later on be aquited of all charges? Or so he could order radicals to keep fighting for his sake! BS! Im personally happy he was hanged till his feet quit kickin. The should of beheaded his ass afterwards and stuck on top of the american flag flagpole
YEP, I feel for most people, but not for him. He was cruel and tortured many people in his own culture. He deserved what he got, and personally, I hope he choked on his own bile while he was swinging there. (sorry if that sounds awfull, but he deserved what he was delt. I firmly believe that what goes around comes around)


Life in prison??? MAYBE if there was some doubt. But the evidence was overwhelming. I like to put it in this perspective. What if it were your family? Your wife/husband, your kids, your parents that were brutally murdered? Life in prison? Feel sorry? I don't think so. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to change the situation in Iraq nor will it bring us home any sooner. The only affect it will have IMO is on the Sunni's. Maybe they might start to cooperate and help settle all the civil unrest between them and the Shiites so we can concentrate on the foreign fighters. I also think that his death will send a message to other dictators to be careful of how they treat their own people (Iran, North Korea) because the same can happen to them. Did you know he wanted to be shot by a firing squad which is reserved for military only?


Active Member
the Iraqi "people" will only believe he is NOT in power when they see his corpse.......sad to say, but they believed to the second of his demise that he was still in "power". Let's see what happens. I say we need to batten down the hatch for awhile more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Life in prison for what !?!? So he could later on be aquited of all charges? Or so he could order radicals to keep fighting for his sake! BS! Im personally happy he was hanged till his feet quit kickin. The should of beheaded his ass afterwards and stuck on top of the american flag flagpole
practically took the words outta my mouth... or off my key board...


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
the Iraqi "people" will only believe he is NOT in power when they see his corpse.......sad to say, but they believed to the second of his demise that he was still in "power". Let's see what happens. I say we need to batten down the hatch for awhile more.

I'm normally against the death penalty, agreeing with Imurnamine's perspective.
In this case, however... people in Iraq were always going to live in fear that this monster would return. I firmly believe his corpse is the only thing that will let a lot of victims out there sleep at night.
The world is a little better place tonight as far as I'm concerned.


Active Member
Personally, I think they should have gassed him, like he did thousands of the Kurds (his own people). Let his skin fall off, while he rolled around on the ground, dying in agony, clawing at his own face, while he vomited out his insides.
I spent 4 years there...2 years of which was following him around, with numerous times the US had the means to kill him (which I think shouldve been done, but never was).
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth...especially someone that was as horrible and hateful as he was.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Personally, I think they should have gassed him, like he did thousands of the Kurds (his own people). Let his skin fall off, while he rolled around on the ground, dying in agony, clawing at his own face, while he vomited out his insides.
I spent 4 years there...2 years of which was following him around, with numerous times the US had the means to kill him (which I think shouldve been done, but never was).
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth...especially someone that was as horrible and hateful as he was.


Active Member
I think he deserved to die thats for sure, but then again look at how he was removed form office to begin with, and think about it. He has not done anyhting else that a lot of dictators in a lot of other ocuntries did not do. Look at africas various countries.its still going on, it goes on in Europe and other arab places......Sadam wa a victim in a way of GWB's personal vendetta to finish up what his daddy started. GWB took advantage of 9/11 to arbitrarily go and do hwta he wanted to do allunder the guise of terroism and WMD's and there has not been one bit of proof Sadam had WMD and its certainly fact he can not be connected with Bin Laden etc. So why did we and do we continue to loose american lives to take problems of a third world country in our own hands. I can see afghanistan.......110% but by all rights we should not of gotten involved in Iraq and whatever came out of it we should have left NATO / UN etc take care of the slaughter of civilians etc, not US and England doing it on their own. I am not disputing Saddam and a few of his cronies needed to die thats for sure, but it should not have been the US doing it making Iraq fall and hunting down the head leaders and loosing american lives.


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Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Here we go in another policial discussion
Just think about it. No one even paid him anay attention until he invaded Kuwait. Up until that time the USA and other ocuntries all gave Iraq all the needed military equipment and money he wanted since he was considered an allie and fighting our then enemy IRAN......we funded his war for years actually right up until he invaded Kuwait, even long after the Iran /Iraq war was in a mutual cease fire.....All he did was defy the big guy n the block and for that I admire the dude since he wsa not afraid to say what he thought or go against the USA.......Who is the USA anyhow.Are we always right, Do we always have to say the last word, Its all about OIL, and settling somehting that was started in 1990/91 that was left unsettled, and all that time he continued to rub America and Englands nose in the mess......Bush and Blair went on their own accord to overthrow him on the pretense of terrorism and WMD, which turned out to be lies but their ultimate goal was reached. Dispose of Saddam........The USA or any other ocuntry could care less about his artrocities he commited within the borders of his own country.......So why did we pay more attention to attrocitiesd of his in iraq than in zimba
e and other congo nations like Somalia and Ethiopia and the Balkans......because their is no oil there, there is nothing there we (USA and England) needs, and it wa only when the UN got involkved for a change in ther Balkans that the uSA actually had to put on their new face and go to fight under the guise of the UN in a UN action.......This Iraqi thing is a personal vendetta for Bush and merely settling unfinished business for his Father GHWB. JUst what did the USA gain but more dead americans, and oil companies made more $$$$$, now were all tired of this fiasco and want to bow out, since we all know its inevitable its gonna happen again with N. Korea or Iran one of these days........I can see hitting Iran and KOrea more than Iraq. All Saddam was wa a butcher in his own backyard and not a threat to america. We do not nbeed to nbe the worlds police force. If there was really a threat to be concerned with Saudi and Kuwait and other surounding arab countries have enough military power to duke it out on their own grounds and not cost america to looose our citizens doing their job.


Active Member
You have to give Chipmaker props. He is 100% correct in his statements. I don't condone what Sadam did and yes he deserved to die, but there are many others in the world just as (or more) deserving that, as mentioned, we are not doing anything about because it does not benefit us in any way. If you look back in history, Sadam was our biggest allie when Saudi Arabia joined the oil embargo in 1973. Sadam went against all the arab countries and sold us all the oil we needed. All of his wealth came from us during that time. That relationship was paramount in his decision to invade Kuwait because he felt the U.S. would not get involved. He was very mistaken because the power of oil was the hands of Saudi Arabia again and he was now seen as a treat. If he had not done that, he could have killed 100,000 of his own people a year and we would have not have did anything. If you look at the what he was actually hanged for, it was a crime committed in 1982 which was considered one of the worst of his oppressions. Where were we then? That was 25 years ago!
Like everyone else, this is just my 2 cents which I'm entitled to.