Active Member
Ok, I have a great shipment of DSB detrivores and critters arriving tomorrow. This includes pods, worms, snails, bugs, etc.
The reason I got them is because the DSB in my display simply doesn't have enough such life to be effective. So, basically there aren't enough detrivores living in it.
My question is:
Since I need to build up my critter population, where should I put them when they arrive?
In the display?
In my sump? (Which is a 55 gallon tank, with a DSB. Caulerpa is also arriving in shipment to make it a fuge.)
The reason I wonder whether I should put the new critters in my sump is because I am curious if my fish will eat them in the display. I dont want the critters to be eaten before they have a chance to breed and populate my DSB.
Here's the fish I have in my tank:
1 Flame Angel
2 Bar Gobies
1 Convict Goby
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Hippo Tang
2 False Percula Clownfish
1 Purple Pseudochromis
So, do you think the critters should go in the display or DSB when they arrive?
The reason I got them is because the DSB in my display simply doesn't have enough such life to be effective. So, basically there aren't enough detrivores living in it.
My question is:
Since I need to build up my critter population, where should I put them when they arrive?
In the display?
In my sump? (Which is a 55 gallon tank, with a DSB. Caulerpa is also arriving in shipment to make it a fuge.)
The reason I wonder whether I should put the new critters in my sump is because I am curious if my fish will eat them in the display. I dont want the critters to be eaten before they have a chance to breed and populate my DSB.
Here's the fish I have in my tank:
1 Flame Angel
2 Bar Gobies
1 Convict Goby
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Hippo Tang
2 False Percula Clownfish
1 Purple Pseudochromis
So, do you think the critters should go in the display or DSB when they arrive?