Sailfin Tang? I can't remember the name of this sweet fish.


I think it was a sailfin tang. I saw it at the lfs today, and when I looked at it, it looked so sweet, and serene. I fell in love with it. It was like looking at a innocent baby for the first time. (My son says I am being too dramatic) Anyone have any experience with these fish? I'm trying to add things very slowly, as you can see in my signature. Please post a picture if you have one of these. Thanks,


My cousin has a black sailfin tang. By far his favorite fish. I dont have a picture though. But from what I know it is a fairly decent fish as far as hardiness. He had a couple of clowns die from something and the Sailfin was fine. HTH


I have one. He is really coo. I have him in a 100 gallon. But they can get BIG. Mine is just a jevenile.


Active Member
They grow up to 12- 15" long. Prefer a tank of at least 140 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. A herbivore and likes to eat marine algae, zucchini, brocoli, mysid shrimp, Spirulina, seaweed, sponges, and other meaty treats. A medium maintenance fish and may act peacefully toward other fish. It doesn't get along with other tangs. Reef-safe.
Thats what I found, they are beautiful fish to say the least.


I love my sailfin. He's amazing when he really opens his fins all the way and struts around. He's very peaceful. He and the "tank boss", my flame angel, spin around each other sometimes, but that's all it ever amounts too.
He eats ANYTHING, and I mean anything and everything. I have the fattest fish (probably why I have algae problems sometimes).
I feed mysis, brine, flake, krill, emerald entree and twice a week I hang a strip of Seaweed Select, he and the wrasse and angel pick at it till it's all gone.
They are more susceptible to ich. When I first got him, every once in awhile he looked like he was going to hatch something on his scales, but between dumping Reef DNA in and the cleaner shrimp nothing ever surfaced and he's been VERY healthy.
They go get big, I have mine in my 125 gallon, but if you get a juvenile you'll enjoy him for quite awhile before giving him away or getting yourself a bigger tank.
I also have a sailfin tang and it is a very pretty fish. But mine is really mean to all the other fish. And I have mine in a 125 gallon. But it eats very well it does eat almost anything. And mine did get ick when I first got it but problems since. A very good fish I love to watch it with its fins spread out. It swims around like it owns the tank.
Sarah :)


I really don't want to introduce any ich into my tank if I can help it. I mean, I know it's always there, but I don't have a cleaner shrimp. I didn't know they got so big. This one is very small. Only about 3 or 4 inches. They have the sweetest face. I'll have to think about it. Thanks so much for all the info. You may have saved me from a mistake.;)


Well, I may have made a mistake, but everyone does sometime or other, right? Anyway, I brought the sailfin home today. I checked him out in the lfs, as much as you can check a fish out. I checked for any ich spots, tapped the glass, he just floated by so innocently. He seems very, very confident and healthy. Not skittish at all like the yellow tangs. Anyway, I acclimated him very slowly, put him in my tank about an hour ago, and he is already eating the hair algae on the bottom of the tank, and also stuff off the live rock. He seems to be doing fantastic to have his surroundings change so recently. By the way he is only 1 1/2 inches, so hopefully I can keep him for a while. He's the only fish in the tank, and I don't plan on adding anymore for about 2 months. Maybe a cleaner shrimp, but that's it. How long do you think I can keep him before he gets too big for my tank? He's so pretty...he has alot of yellow on him, more than I've seen on any other pictures. I'm so excited...but also nervous, because I want to do thing the right way.