Well, I may have made a mistake, but everyone does sometime or other, right? Anyway, I brought the sailfin home today. I checked him out in the lfs, as much as you can check a fish out. I checked for any ich spots, tapped the glass, he just floated by so innocently. He seems very, very confident and healthy. Not skittish at all like the yellow tangs. Anyway, I acclimated him very slowly, put him in my tank about an hour ago, and he is already eating the hair algae on the bottom of the tank, and also stuff off the live rock. He seems to be doing fantastic to have his surroundings change so recently. By the way he is only 1 1/2 inches, so hopefully I can keep him for a while. He's the only fish in the tank, and I don't plan on adding anymore for about 2 months. Maybe a cleaner shrimp, but that's it. How long do you think I can keep him before he gets too big for my tank? He's so pretty...he has alot of yellow on him, more than I've seen on any other pictures. I'm so excited...but also nervous, because I want to do thing the right way.