salinity levels?


Just wondering what everyone keeps their salinity at because I've gotton so many different opinions. I have a 46 gal tank with 3 green chromis and a clown with no LR and a 1 1/2 - 2 inch LS bed and thinking of getting a cleanup crew. Please just need opinions thanks!


Active Member
Hey , there's Bigarn. I was wondering where you went to, haven't seen a post from you in a while.
My SG is at 1.024, I don't know my salinity off hand at the moment but it should be in the 35ppt range.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
My SG is at 1.024, I don't know my salinity off hand at the moment but it should be in the 35ppt range.
That's a Salinity of 34ppt at a temp of 78F. If you tank is warmer than 78F then you're closer to 35ppt. Without also posting the temperature of the water there's really no way to know the Salinity for the people only posting Specific Gravity readings.


Originally Posted by peter1215
I keep my mine at 1.021. Is it necessary to be at 1.025 if i have a fowlr?
I would up it a little. I know several people who have fish only tank and they keep thiers at 1.023 - 1.024.
I have a reef and perfer mine at 1.024 - 1.025