Salinity Question


Can someone clear this up for me please!!!
Currently I have had a FO system and the was told to keep the salinity at 1.020. This has seemed to work fine.
Now I have switch to Live Rock and may do some corals in the future. Should my salinity be hire with coral 1.025 or should it always be 1.025.
I know it depends on what you are keeping. Currently I have a yellow tang and 2 clowns


Active Member
I think the consinses is for a FO tank a lower salinity is good but for a reef tank it need to be higher. I keep mine a 1.025...


slowly raise it up. To much at once can be stressfull for them. 1.030 is way to high. 1.022 - 1.026 is acceptable for LR.
when i first set up my tank close to 11 months ago i kept my salinity at 1.019 which i was told was the absolute minimum. about 3 months ago i decided to bring everything up to the maximum, so now i try to keep my salinity is at 1.025 - 1.028 and the temp is 78 F. i figure if something happend whether it being my mistake or acts of god or something, numbers can fall faster than they could be risen. I brought everthing up over the course of three weeks during water changes and the fish are fine.


Active Member
I would bump the temp up a couple of degrees. When you start to raise your salinity just use saltwater at your target salinity to do your top offs instead of fresh water. The adjustment will be slow and consistent.
By the way, usually salinity changes shift up and not down. As your water evaporates your salinity goes up. Once you raise your salinity you have less room for error (ie forgetting top-offs.)
Good Luck!


What is everyone else's temperture at?
just so i can gauge temperature versus what people are keeping in there tanks


Cool. Thanks peeps. Im thinkink I will keep it around 79 with a salinity of 1.025
I will slowly bring up both tanks simultaneously so the fish will be acclimated to the temp and salinity and it wont be a big shock when they return to the display tank