Salt Creep!!


Damn salt creep,
Anyone have ideas on how to keep salt creep to a minimal burden?
Anyone everuse that saltcreep spray that is supposed to do away with it?


New Member
OTS-how is your clam doing under your current light setup,
I have a 29 with 2 96-watt PC (1 actinic-1 10k) ?


It is a brown squasmosa(sp) clam so it is not as light needy as maximas and others. I bought it about6-8 months ago when it was around 3-4". Now it is about 7-8". It has a green strip on the edge of its mantle that is not very prominant in the light I have. But he seems happy. He responds well if you put your hand by him, and he has not moved in a long time.
By the way I have him on the bottom of the tank which is 18" deep.