Salt Creep


A few weeks ago, I polled you on what was the best book to buy from this website. The overwhelming choice was The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. On page 51, on the topic of salt creep it says: "2) scrape and reintroduce the salt scum - put it back into your system, being careful that it doesn't land on any sessile invertebrates;".
My question is, do you put it back in the tank or wash it away. If you put it back in the tank, are you dissolving it first or just scraping it back in the tank?


Most of my salt creep is in my sump or around it, so I just srzpe it back into the sump.


Active Member
I do NOT put it back in.....what is wrong with the fancy brand new stuff??:D :D Takes so long for creep to lower salinity, that water changes will keep it good. I make minor adjustments at some water changes anyway.


i try and throw it away, and whatever ends up in the tank.. so be it... i monitor my salinity and adjust it with very small amounts of fresh new salt.. i am sure it adds some other trace elements that got used up anyway...