Salt mix, let's do it again


In your opinion, what is the best salt mix for reef tanks? Also, why do you think so--if you have the time to reply?


Active Member
not instant ocean because it doesnt have enough calcium
i got some oceanic, but that has waaay too much calcium for my system, and i have heard people say that it is inconsistant.
i hear good things from tropic marine reef-crystals.
to tell you the truth, i am jsut posting because i would like to know cause i finaly ran out of that oceanic today so i need to get some more salt.


Is it bad practice to mix salts? I need to get off instant ocean, and have been thinking about easing in to something else.


After 1 1/2 years I have tried almost every brand of salt. I can attest to Oceanic's high calcium content--the times I've used it I get between 550-650 ppm. The Alk is also usually a bit low w/ oceanic--I get about 7 dKH.
Coralife salt gave me pretty good results with calcium and alk, but there were alot of fluctuations w/ salinity. Seems like every batch I mixed w/ it had different salinity readings with the same amount of salt added. (BTW, I measure with a refractometer.)
Instant ocean gave me good results starting out, but I wasn't yet knowledgable enough to know the difference. I have since stopped using it because of the "killer alk" batches I have heard about. (Ask Thomas712 about this or do a search on this forum to read more.)
I now use Tropic Marin Pro Reef and I'm completly happy with the results. A constant salinity, Alk at 11 dKH, and Calcium at 440 ppm every time. Also, to my knowledge this is the only salt mix with no documented problems or bad batches.


Active Member
i ahve heard nothing bad about that. ill have to get some this friday....the only problem is... the only LFS that sells it is like 45 mins away, but i dont mind.
But it is perfectly fine to mix salts. just make sure that you measure the salinity.


I was told to use reef crystals from LFS and they have lots of kinds...I 'd like to know what has worked for others too..


Active Member
I'm thinking of switching to Tropic Marine since there is a place I know sells it for about $50 for 200 gal and its only about 5 dollars more than IO. I thought I give it try since I heard all these great things about it.


I started out with Instant Ocean and had problems with my Calcium dropping at times to 380.. Otherwise I didn't have any problems with it.
Next I tried Reef Crystals. It was ok, but I could only find it in small boxes.
I tried Oceanic and it shot my Calcium though the roof.
The last salt I tried was Coralife. I don't like the way it mixes. I have much more residue floating in my tank since I've been using it. and I am having problems with my salinity fluctuating with each new batch mixed. I always have to go back and re-adjust each new batch, by adding more salt or water.. Never mixes up the same way twice.. go figure.
I would use Instant Ocean again.. and Reef Crystals.. perhaps even Oceanic if I need to.. but I will not by Coralife again.


Well i have used instant ocean plain and i like it, i add supplements kent marine calcium to the tank weekly to keep calcium up. But over the weekend i was at the MACNA conference in Washington D.C. and instant ocean was raffelin off 12 boxes of instant ocean reef crystals. Well to my surpirse i WON WON WON. hehe i crusied back to dc yesterday and picked up my 12 cases of reef crystals. each case has 3 50 gal bags. so hmm i think i am set for a few years. i only do 20 gallons of water changes a month. i currently have a 125 reef and 45 fowlr. I have no choice in the salt department, surely not going to waste the salt or sell it. here is a thread i started on my salt water club forums. good luck to all


i have used a bunch of salts over the years.... i liked oceanic when it first came out and used it exclusively for over a year... but the last batch i used was just outta control in Ca levels.
so....i have gone back to instant ocean... they have gotten their levels back up lately and the mix at 35ppt is pretty close to NSW. i run my tank a little higher than NSW, but thats nothing a coupla reactors cant work out for me.


Originally Posted by kjord97
Well i have used instant ocean plain and i like it, i add supplements kent marine calcium to the tank weekly to keep calcium up. But over the weekend i was at the MACNA conference in Washington D.C. and instant ocean was raffelin off 12 boxes of instant ocean reef crystals. Well to my surpirse i WON WON WON. hehe i crusied back to dc yesterday and picked up my 12 cases of reef crystals. each case has 3 50 gal bags. so hmm i think i am set for a few years. i only do 20 gallons of water changes a month. i currently have a 125 reef and 45 fowlr. I have no choice in the salt department, surely not going to waste the salt or sell it. here is a thread i started on my salt water club forums. good luck to all

Hey there..Can I just jump in here since I noticed you have a FOWLR and areef tank? I wanted to know how the two compare with maintenance. I am going to start with FOWLR tank for now and possibly upgrade later..but it all depends on how much more maintenance is involved. Do you do as many water changes in that tank?
thanks much!! :joy:


The maintance aspect, hmmm i have hardly none. I have been keepin my systems runnin with very few equipment. Both of my systems have a CPR hang on refugium, and my 125 has a protein skimmer. The only maintance i do is clean the front glass with my magnet and do a 5 gallon water change every 2 weeks in both tanks. I will start a new thread this afternoon about both of my tanks, i need to get home and change up the size of the pics, cant do it from work. Just keep a look out for them.


Originally Posted by kjord97
The maintance aspect, hmmm i have hardly none. I have been keepin my systems runnin with very few equipment. Both of my systems have a CPR hang on refugium, and my 125 has a protein skimmer. The only maintance i do is clean the front glass with my magnet and do a 5 gallon water change every 2 weeks in both tanks. I will start a new thread this afternoon about both of my tanks, i need to get home and change up the size of the pics, cant do it from work. Just keep a look out for them.
Thanks for the info. I am debating whether to get the light for the future reef..or if the reef would just be too much work as compared to the FOWLR.
I will look out for pics.
Oh, so you do not need a skimmer in your FOWLR tank? That would be great for me.
I guess I will wait and see.
thanks again!


Originally Posted by Lennon
Thanks for the info. I am debating whether to get the light for the future reef..or if the reef would just be too much work as compared to the FOWLR.
I will look out for pics.
Oh, so you do not need a skimmer in your FOWLR tank? That would be great for me.
I guess I will wait and see.
thanks again!

I have had a skimmer on the FOWLR, but about 9 months ago i removed it. The rock is about 3 years old, and since i quit skimmin on the tank i have seen no change in water or the health of the fish. Also with a FOWLR you can get away with very little light, as i use the basic 20 watt coral bulbs in the basic fixture. rock still keeps it nice pruple color.


Originally Posted by kjord97
I have had a skimmer on the FOWLR, but about 9 months ago i removed it. The rock is about 3 years old, and since i quit skimmin on the tank i have seen no change in water or the health of the fish. Also with a FOWLR you can get away with very little light, as i use the basic 20 watt coral bulbs in the basic fixture. rock still keeps it nice pruple color.

But I would not harm the fish if I did 4x95 orbits would I? I need it for soft corals in the near future.


Lighting is not needed for fish growth or health, so you may stay a FOWLR now with basic lighting and if you want to upgrade to reef, all you need to do is add better lights, roughly 4-6 watts a gallon and a skimmer for the reef.


with those lights you could run 75 gallon and below reef tank with softies. Fish do not need lights to survive. Only the corals do.


Originally Posted by kjord97
Lighting is not needed for fish growth or health, so you may stay a FOWLR now with basic lighting and if you want to upgrade to reef, all you need to do is add better lights, roughly 4-6 watts a gallon and a skimmer for the reef.

So the basic lighting would be good enough for the LR too?
Would the soft corals do ok with basic lighting or the orbits 4 x 65's?
thanks again!


Originally Posted by kjord97
with those lights you could run 75 gallon and below reef tank with softies. Fish do not need lights to survive. Only the corals do.
What about feathers and polyps? Do they need more than the 4 x 65 orbits?
But if I got those..I would not harm the fish correct? I get scared to use too much lighting for the FOWLR tank..but I also do not want to have to get a whole new lighting system once I get the soft corals..
thanks for the help!