Salt on glass tops


I'm getting quite a lot of salt on top of my glass tops. Should I just push it back into the tank or wipe it off with a paper towel? :notsure:


Active Member
No! Do not push it back into your tank or your salinity will sky rocket! The salt build-up on the top of your tank is just from water being spilled and the gases escaping from your tank. It's nothing to worry about. Just wipe it off with a paper towel.


Active Member
salt creep is so annyonying but coral life makes a spray that keeps it from comeing back its called "salt creep eliminator"



Originally posted by lion_crazz
No! Do not push it back into your tank or your salinity will sky rocket! The salt build-up on the top of your tank is just from water being spilled and the gases escaping from your tank. It's nothing to worry about. Just wipe it off with a paper towel.

If you don’t put it back in won’t the salt level drop? I thought unless you are topping off with salt water it needed to go back. Of course you need to off with fresh water then.:notsure:


Active Member
Why not just remove the glass tops and you won't have to worry about the salt collecting on them and you won't have to clean them.... You don't need them really anyways


Do most people use their glass covers the reason I ask is i just cracked mine trying to clean it? and I usually leave the two front one's open anyway.:thinking:


that's called crystalisation or something like that, i remeber learning about it in 8th grade.
How could you take the glass top off? i'm still trying to buy a 75g, and most of the ones i see have tops on there?


I guess I could remove the tops, but I'm afraid one of my fish or one of the clean-up crew might decide to take a leap to see what's on the other side! :eek:


Active Member
get some stuff called eggcrate at your local hardware store, its a hard plastic grate looking things with small square holes in it , like a big plastic screen. todd


Get rid of the glass tops, they are bad. If you have a problem with jumping things head to your hardware store and get some eggcrate. It's located in the lighting department, usually used under floresents lights in commerical buildings. Here is a small picture of what it looks like.


I know exactly what you're talking about. I bet that weighs tons less than glass. I hate my glass tops!
How do you cut it, though? Or does it just snap off to size? Thanks guys for all your suggestions!



Originally posted by mbailey26
I'm knew to all this and I was just wondering whats so wrong with glass tops.

high heat


Active Member
exactly what i was thinking. i left my glass tops off for about a week and a half and the water level went down about 3 inches. IN THE WINTER. im so dreading the summer. thats why i leave mine on all te time


Active Member
As long as you don't have fish that jump or creatures that climb out like octo's, you really don't need the glass tops. No glass tops freatly increases the redox potential of your tank.