i was thinking of making a saltwater pond in my house.
i need to know what kind of filters will i need, lighting (if any)
i am going to use a pond from Lows (200g).
is this all a good idea or am i wasting my time
Just use the same filtration and lights you would as if it were that size normal aquarium. Might have to adjust for the depth with the lighting a bit more. A lfs by me has some coral tanks out of pond tubs.
Definitely an interesting idea, but will it all be worth it? You won't be able to see too much looking straight down unless you have some really great lights. If you decide to go through with it please keep us all posted. I would really like to see how it all turns out for you!
A pond from Lowes. What a cool idea. Are you going to use some support for the sides? I don't know if you need to, but in the ground there is dirt supporting the sides. How leak proof are they. Where are you going to install it? Lesley
Originally posted by jjgomillion
what do you keep in the "lagoon"
Clams, Corals, Ricordea, a couple Banggai. I hope to find a couple/few Zebra Morays and possibly a colony of dwarf Seahorses and some Pipefish.
Bang- that thing is outta hand
Tropicorium in SE michigan does a similiar thing. I have seen very small cardinals in theirs. You may want to contact them or go and check out their store if you're ever in the area.
Lugging sand down the stairway sucks doesn't it. The stairway I was on was pretty narrow.
I just brought 560 lbs live sand downstairs for my 300gal.
Hopefully will be buying a house with a walk-in basement later in life to fulfill my addiction of massive tanks.
Originally posted by tony detroit
when was that?
Novice has a 1700 shark tank, dunno if you've seen that one.
he usually hangs in the agg forum.
i edited it to 1700 thanks
sorry i have been away
i am thinking about some 2x4s and some wood panels
that idea about the durt for suport does sound nice
and that place in Michigan (Tropicorium) that is where i got this
idea. i went by the place on my way home i would have stoped
but i was trying to get to Cleveland before Aquatic Tech closed
(it was on my way)
i am putting this in my basment. all i might put in it is inverts
maybe a school of percs, my next big thing is to breed them.
i could stock the pond with the babys
(i fixed my spelling)