Saltwater Ts?


New Member
Hello to all,
I've been a member in this forum under GSXR750DGO (It supposed to be GSXR750DOG....dont really know what happen why it ended up to DGO) Anyways, I am in the apparel business, just started this year, and would like to take this opportunity to reach out to the forum and serve the brothers here. I could get any of the Tshirts made and I'll tweak a little touch of my design with it. Let me know. Currently serving the car fanatics.
On the side note, my aquarium has been dried after marriage, then with 3 kids right after (Ethan is 3.5yr, Charlize is 22mo, and my youngest is Elijah 3mo). My goal is to restart my Salt/ Reef this year with 450Gal(may be a shark), 2X120Gal(reef), 1X100Gal cube(aggressive) and 60Gal (fresh).
With that said, I am happy to get back to this forum.


Active Member
Well there you go, officially approved pending approval.
I wouldn't mind picking up a t-shirt. Just for the looks I'd get from my wife.


well saltwater fish has said they will support this idea so lets get some designs again like put a poll up or something


Should there be, say, two or three styles of T-Shirt, or should it just be one?? Regardless, I am still interested...

nyc joe

I also design clothing / apparel, etc
Been doing it quite a while.
I would simplify the logo to only 2 colors.
front: logo across chest.
Back: a vector image, lets say something meaningful.
but as a production issue, it would have to be cartoony.
2-4 colors max!
Option 2 logo front , centered.
graphic illustration of a fish, coral, rock? etc.
again 2-4 colors max.
These are the only feasible options I think that would work.
It doesnt make sense to go crazy with pictures etc, too pricey.
Plus the same graphic could be made into, tank tops, tees, and sweatshirts. Just the basics. It will not cost too much more to make the other things once the screens are made.